Analisis Potensi Partnership sebagai Moda untuk meningkatkan Kapabilitas Inovasi dan Teknologi


  • Orpha Jane Jurusan Administrasi Bisnis, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan



Partnership becomes one of the main asset which used by the enterprise to achieve
a sustainable competitive advantage. Through the partnership, the enterprise can de-
velop their capabilities which cannot be developed by their own. A strategic alliance
and joint venture is a popular way used by the enterprises in developing their partner-
ship. Some researcher also mentioned about merger and acquisition as another form
of partnership but more permanent in nature.
This article specifically aim to measure a potency of partnership as a vehicle in
increasing innovation capabilities and technology within an enterprise in their effort
to set up competitiveness. In particular, it is identified that a prerequisite to achieve
innovation capability and technology enhancement were depend on an ability to gain,
adopt, and transfer knowledge from the partner.
Keywords: partnership, innovation capabilities, technological capabilities, knowl-
edge management



