
  • Focus
    Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024)

  • Focus
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)

  • Focus
    Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)

  • Focus
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)

    FOCUS Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022) publishes scientific articles on the relationship between religion and contemporary human pluralism. We can observe that the plurality of life is a necessity and a gift from God. Religion has universal values in caring for human life with different ethnic, racial, intergroup, and national backgrounds. The authors emphasize human freedom in the absence of spirituality, disasters that occur consciously, intolerance, and disharmony that result in human casualties. According to Plato, quality humans can maintain harmony in state and religious life. But according to Hans Jonas, place where humans live is the future of all living things. Therefore, human freedom to raise awareness, and an inclusive religious attitude is one of the efforts to avoid harmful conflicts.

  • Focus
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)

    FOCUS Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022) focuses on the epistemological question of analyzing thoughts on Islamic Law, Sufism, Eschatology, liberalization of human intellectual existence, and even liberation from colonialism. These topics explore religion and religiosity from various disciplines and methods, such as phenomenology, history, philosophy, and Sufism. For example, liberation from colonialism cannot be separated from human sacrifice. Human sacrifice is connected with belief in life after death (eschatology), as believed in various religions and beliefs. However, in the name of religion and belief, it can manifest different reactions to the integrity of national unity with diverse ethnic backgrounds.

  • Focus
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)

    FOCUS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) reflects on human existence and experience. Gabriel Marcel's philosophical concept seeks to understand human existence. Spinoza highly valued reason. He outlined the importance of religious freedom as a human choice. Humans who are aware of their social responsibilities always have a heart towards others and the world. This kind of human respects the mind and freedom of other humans. Practically, humans must try to face threats to their lives. For example, radicalism and discriminatory treatment. Therefore, humans should rethink their relationship with God and nature. He had to rethink his policies towards other humans. According to Mariam Sofrina, humans will be able to be introduced and reconnected to their noble virtues. This edition of FOCUS Theological Studies is like a pilgrimage of human intellectual and spirituality to find the Transcendent, in the name of faith and humanity.

  • Focus
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)

    FOCUS Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021). The focal point of the discussion of this research is the relevance of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s thoughts to online lectures. The basic concept of education according to Rousseau lies in forming free, independent human beings without pressure or bondage, not for a particular purpose. In other words, freedom is the basic law of education. Education covers science and technology. Science, technology, that now tends to be materialistic, offers humans how to get a truth. It is ironic that such science, tends to reduce other factors that already exist in the world of human understanding. As a result, with all its ambitions, science tries to convince humans that some of its fundamental beliefs are a deception. But in fact science, technology has limitations in explaining the truth. This limitation is often closed tightly with opinions so that humans lead to dryness of understanding. There is an effort, more useful to view life or other basic understanding is more lively.

  • Focus
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020)

    FOCUS Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020) observes that plague is not something strange in the story of human civilization. Nevertheless, the plague has always succeeded in delivering dynamic of humanity to the frightening crisis. At least, in his comment about the pandemic Covid-19, Yuval Noah Harari said that pandemic Covid-19 which we are facing right now has dropped almost all sectors in the world to the most crisis moment in its own generation. It is really possible to say this condition is capable enough to make humanity in trouble.  In that condition as homo religiosus, human being is always looking for the meaning of life, theirs existence, and also the mysteries of the universe. As time goes by, human being only focus for their self-fullness and self-centeredness and in the end human have lost connected with the ultimate reality in which they can get their bearing. Instead of searching for a meaning, man is becoming completely alienated from himself as a being, from the others, and from the transcendental things. In this era, it is important to have a new perspective and world view about human being itself in the universe.

  • Focus
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

    FOCUS Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020) observes that One’s Identity is a vital component of a human life. Identity is important, especially considering when oneself is sometimes subjected to the judgment of others. Identity makes a human life grasps its humanity. Humanity is unable to achieve grasp over the world so filled with mysteries. As a result, his life becomes limited. Although humanity continues to hope, his limitations however see to it that human hope can crumble at any given moment. Based on these facts, human life becomes an absurdity. The absurdity of life throws man into an existence of the incomprehensible mystery of life. One of the mystery of life is happiness. Ever has man sought happiness to enrich his days, to such lengths that twould not be an understatement to state happiness is his life’s goal. Happiness possesses an internal dimension, wrought once one lives a wholesome existence in concord to ones vocation.