Bina Ekonomi <p>Bina Ekonomi merupakan jurnal ilmiah yang terbit dua kali dalam setahun. Jurnal ini mewadahi karya tulis akademik hasil penelitian literatur maupun lapangan di bidang Ilmu Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi, yang diharapkan dapat memberi sumbangan pemahaman maupun alternatif solusi masalah ekonomi yang ada.</p> <p>Bina Ekonomi bekerja sama dengan Institut Akuntan Manaiemen Indonesia (IAMI), yaitu asosiasi profesi akuntan manajemen untuk mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah yang diajukan oleh IAMI</p> <p>Redaksi Bina Ekonomi akan menelaah (<em>review</em>) artikel untuk menentukan apakah artikel tersebut layak diteruskan ke proses selanjutnya. Hasil penelaahan oleh Redaksi Bina Ekonomi akan menghasilkan tiga kemungkinan: layak diteruskan atau layak diteruskan jika dilengkapi/diperbaiki atau tidak layak diteruskan, ke proses selanjutnya.</p> <p>Pedoman penulisan naskah : click <a title="Pedoman Penulisan Naskah" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></p> <p>Template penulisan naskah : click <a title="Template Penulisan Naskah" href=";ouid=104411417997599908165&amp;rtpof=true&amp;sd=true" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></p> <p>Surat pernyataan pengalihan hak cipta : click <a title="Surat Pernyataan Pengalihan Hak Cipta" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></p> <p>Pernyataan Etika : click <a title="Pernyataan Etika" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></p> Center for Economic Studies Universitas Katolik Parahyangan en-US Bina Ekonomi 0853-0610 Surat Pernyataan Pengalihan Hak Cipta: click <a title="Surat Pernyataan Pengalihan Hak Cipta" href="" target="_blank">here</a> EFEKTIVITAS BANTUAN UMKM DAN STRATEGI PENGUATAN UMKM DI KOTA MAGELANG <p class="5ISIABSTRAK"><em>The condition of SMEs during the COVID-19 pandemic requires support from the government. So that the government provides assistance to keep MSMEs afloat. The research aims to determine the effectiveness of government assistance to MSMEs and determine the appropriate strengthening strategy. The research was conducted in Magelang City with the object of research, namely the recipients of BPUM assistance in 2021 as many as 32 respondents. The method of data collection was carried out by observation, interviews, and filling out questionnaires. The analysis in this study includes descriptive analysis, one sample chi-square test analysis, Wilcoxon-signed rank test analysis, and SWOT analysis. The results show different opportunities for each micro-enterprise in obtaining BPUM assistance based on the length of business, type of business, and type of product. Another finding is that BPUM assistance is effective in increasing micro-enterprises in terms of capital, production and added value. However, it is not effective in increasing the workforce. Strategies such as unique products, good relations with partners, mastery of digital marketing, promotion, improving the quality of human resources, innovation and utilization of tourism potential are the right strategies to implement.</em></p> Dinar Melani Hutajulu Fitrah Sari Islami Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-04 2024-11-04 28 2 96 110 10.26593/be.v28i2.6970.96-110 PENGARUH INFRASTRUKTUR E-SPORTS TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI NEGARA ASIA TENGGARA <p><em>This research discusses the influence of infrastructure as a supporting factor for economic growth in Southeast Asian countries. This research uses a quantitative approach with data collection techniques through literature study. The data used is from 2016 to 2022. The independent variable data used in this research are: Number of Mobile Legends Players, Number of Mobile Legends Venues and Information and Communication Technology Development Index in Southeast Asian Countries. Then the dependent variable is National Income in Southeast Asian Countries. The research results show that the number of players variable has a significant effect on national income, the number of venues has no significant effect on national income, and the information and communication technology development index variable has a significant effect on the national income variable. Then, if viewed simultaneously, the variables number of players, number of venues and the information and communication technology development index on simultaneous have a significant effect on national income. These three variables have an influence on national income of 68%, while the deficiency of 32% is influenced by other variables outside the research.</em></p> Rahmat Ramadhan Santi Merlinda Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-04 2024-11-04 28 2 111 127 10.26593/be.v28i2.7906.111-127 PREDICTING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF COMMUNICATION: THE MODERATING ROLE OF EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION <p><em>The development of the hospitality industry is strongly linked to employee performance. It is essential for every employee to achieve good performance for the hotel's major goals to be met. Employee performance can be influenced by the way they communicate and is related to their motivation. On the TripAdvisor website, there have been complaints from guests regarding employee performance or services. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of communication on employee performance with the moderation of employee motivation at The Apurva Kempinski Bali. This research uses a quantitative approach. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires with the research population being all employees who work at The Apurva Kempinski Bali. Sample of 70 people was collected using the simple random sampling technique. The data was analyzed using the statistical software PLS SEM 4.0<strong>. </strong>As a result, both hypotheses are accepted. Communication influences employee performance positively, and employee motivation moderates the relationship between communication and employee performance positively. Both hypotheses result in a significant relationship. Since the relationship between communication and employee performance is quite strong, therefore, the management of Apurva Kempinski Bali is recommended to maintain its communication efforts by emphasizing two-way communication, whether verbally or in writing.</em></p> Efin Shu Clarence Chenova Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-04 2024-11-04 28 2 128 141 10.26593/be.v28i2.7915.128-141 APAKAH INSTITUSI PENTING UNTUK PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI ? BUKTI EMPIRIS DARI ASEAN <p><em>Institutional quality plays an important role in supporting economic growth through the reduction of transaction costs. This study aims to analyse the effect of institutional quality on economic growth in ASEAN. The data used is a panel of ASEAN countries for the period 2002-2020. Three variables are used as proxies for institutional quality, namely regulatory quality, rule of law, and voice and accountability, while GDP per capita is a proxy for economic growth. Pooled least squares (PLS) was chosen to estimate the relationship between institutional quality and economic growth. The findings of this study show that all institutional quality variables have a significant effect on economic growth in ASEAN. Specifically, rule of law and voice and accountability exert a significantly positive impact on economic growth. However, it is noteworthy that the quality of regulatory frameworks exhibits a significantly negative impact on economic growth in the ASEAN</em> region<em>. The results of this study confirm the institutional role theory which shows that institutions play an important role in promoting economic growth. This study implies that the formulation of regulations or laws should not overlap so that the execution of regulations can run systematically. In addition, it is imperative to foster public participation as a means of government oversight and quality institutions can create a conducive climate for investment. </em></p> M. Silahul Mu'min Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-04 2024-11-04 28 2 142 154 10.26593/be.v28i2.7381.142-154 EFFECTS OF FISCAL REDISTRIBUTION ON GENDER DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA: AN ANALYSIS OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF FISCAL ACCEPTANCE <p><em>Indonesia is still ranked 104th in the world in terms of gender development and is below other ASEAN countries namely Singapore, Malaysia, Viet Nam, and the Philippines. The purpose of this study is to analyze how fiscal redistribution influences gender development through different characteristics in each fiscal revenue with the GMM method. The results show that </em><em>Gross Regional Domestic Product is influenced by Locally-Generated Revenue, General Allocation Fund, and Tax Sharing. While Specific Allocation Fund and Natural Resources Revenue Sharing worsen Gross Regional Domestic Product. But in the long run, all the effects that worsen Gross Regional Domestic Product are corrected and have an impact on increasing Gross Regional Domestic Product in Indonesia. Then Gender Development Index is influenced by Gross Regional Domestic Product, Locally-Generated Revenue, and General Allocation Fund, while the role of Specific Allocation Fund and Tax Sharing worsens Gender Development Index but in the long run, will increase and increase Gender Development Index. The different types of fiscal revenues also influence the Gender Development Index response as a consequence of the unique characteristics of each fiscal revenue variable. Our suggestion is that local tax sources paid to the center allocated through the balance fund need to consider gender aspects.</em></p> Fajrin Hardinandar Muhammad Firmansyah Rizky Amelia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-04 2024-11-04 28 2 155 164 10.26593/be.v28i2.7328.155-164 SUPPLIER SELECTION USING AHP-TOPSIS: CASE STUDY IN TAIGERSPRUNG RESTAURANT <p>The Taigersprung restaurant in Yogyakarta, operating in the food and beverage industry, plans to expand after two years of establishment. To meet the needs of the new branch, the restaurant needs to increase production but faces obstacles such as fluctuating raw material prices and issues with shrimp suppliers that do not meet quality standards. The restaurant aims to add shrimp suppliers by evaluating several potential ones. The lack of a structured supplier evaluation method makes choosing the best supplier challenging for the restaurant. This research aims to identify criteria for selecting shrimp suppliers and finding the best one. Through interviews with the restaurant owner and literature studies, the research utilizes the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) methods. The research results indicate that quality criteria are the top priority in selecting shrimp suppliers, followed by price, delivery, service, and flexibility. Based on TOPSIS calculations, supplier B becomes the restaurant's top priority for collaboration.</p> Bevin Ottismalleo Tjindana katlea fitriani Yeremias Budi Irawan Copyright (c) 2024 2024-11-04 2024-11-04 28 2 165 177 10.26593/be.v28i2.8183.165-177