Contemporary Public Administration Review <p>Contemporary Public Administration Review (CoPAR) is a scientific journal by the Department of Public Administration, Parahyangan Catholic University. This journal covers issues and practices associated with the digital government, collaborative governance, public policy, public management, digital society, community service, inclusive public services, public organisation, disaster and crisis management, decentralisation, and environmental concerns. Academic practitioners, researchers, scientists, students, and consultants can use CoPAR to discuss the application of public administration theories and concepts to significant political, economic, and social issues, as well as the formulation of public policy. All submitted manuscripts are subject to an initial evaluation by the Editor, and if they are deemed suitable for further consideration, they will undergo peer review. All peer review is conducted in a double-blind style. CoPAR, with ISSN 3025-7174 (online), is a peer-reviewed journal (online).</p> Department of Public Administration, Parahyangan Catholic University en-US Contemporary Public Administration Review 3025-7174 Comparison of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems of South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam <p>This research conducts a comparative analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystems across South Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam utilizing the most recent Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data to examine key ecosystem components. The investigation reveals substantial disparities in ecosystem maturity levels among these nations through the analysis of Pearson partial correlations between entrepreneurial ecosystem elements. By identifying distinct variations in ecosystem characteristics and associated entrepreneurial activities, this study proposes targeted policy recommendations for strengthening startup and micro, small, and medium enterprises development frameworks within these three Asia-Pacific countries. The findings contribute to the broader understanding of entrepreneurial ecosystem development in regional public policy contexts, while acknowledging research limitations and suggesting future directions for enhanced generalizability through more comprehensive investigations.</p> Thái Thanh Hà Copyright (c) 2025 Contemporary Public Administration Review 2025-02-26 2025-02-26 2 2 82 99 10.26593/copar.v2i2.8625.82-99 Strategi Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Tata Ruang dalam Meningkatkan Ketahanan Pangan di Kecamatan Gunung Halu, Kabupaten Bandung Barat <p>Food security is one of the important issues in regional development, especially in West Bandung which contributes greatly to food production in West Java Province. Gunung Halu Subdistrict has extensive agricultural land, but its productivity is hindered by an inadequate irrigation system. This study aims to analyze the strategy of the Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency (PUTR) in improving food security, identifying supporting and inhibiting factors, and examining efforts that have been made to overcome obstacles in food security. Jack Kooten’s strategy model (1991:81) was used, which consists organizational strategy, program strategy, resource support strategy, and institutional strategy. This study is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and documentation studies. The results of the study indicate that the PUTR has implemented various irrigation development programs to support agricultural productivity in Gunung Halu Subdistrict. However, the challenges faced include the complex geographical conditions of the area and limited community involvement in the management of the irrigation system. Supporting factors for increasing food security include extensive agricultural land and the Development Planning Deliberation (Musrenbang) forum, which functions as a means of reporting if there is damaged irrigation. The PUTR strategies taken include water resource management and optimization of irrigation systems to increase agricultural yields. This research is expected to be a reference for local governments in developing more effective strategies to achieve food security.</p> Nurul Ulya Ulfa Siti Hapsari Copyright (c) 2025 Contemporary Public Administration Review 2025-02-26 2025-02-26 2 2 100 119 10.26593/copar.v2i2.8514.100-119 The Strategic Approach to Recruitment and Selection at WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi: Implication and Recommendation <p>Recruitment and selection are critical components of human resource management, as they directly influence an organization’s ability to attract, identify, and retain top talent in a competitive industry. Despite extensive literature on recruitment strategies, limited research examines the integration of these practices with long-term organizational goals in Indonesian construction firms. This study explores the strategic recruitment and selection processes at WIKA Rekayasa Konstruksi (WRK), a subsidiary of PT Wijaya Karya Tbk (WIKA), and their impact on the quality of human resources as well as organizational performance. This study seeks to address this gap by analyzing WRK’s methodologies, assessing their effectiveness, and offering strategic recommendations for improvement. This research employed a descriptive qualitative approach, the data was collected through interviews with a key informant, WRK’s Senior Manager of the Human Capital division. The findings reveal that while WRK employs comprehensive methods—such as competitive salary offerings, digital recruitment platforms, and multi-stage evaluations—there is room for improvement in aligning recruitment practices with strategic objectives and enhancing transparency in cost-related communication during post-selection stages. This research contributes to the academic discourse by highlighting best practices and challenges in recruitment within the construction sector, offering actionable insights for organizations aiming to optimize human resource management strategies.</p> William Ben Gunawan Yesica Dyah Oktavia Arif Harry Budiman Narendra Diwangkara Diptawibowo Copyright (c) 2025 Contemporary Public Administration Review 2025-02-26 2025-02-26 2 2 120 142 10.26593/copar.v2i2.8733.120-142 Integrasi Teknologi Jakarta Smart City dengan Sistem Komando dan Kendali untuk Penguatan Pertahanan Negara <p>Jakarta Smart City, established under Governor Regulation No. 306 of 2016, holds significant potential to support the Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) system in strengthening national defense. By leveraging integrated technologies, Jakarta Smart City provides real-time data from many sectors such as transportation, logistics, and emergency management, which are highly relevant for strategic decision-making. This study aims to explore the potential, identify challenges, and formulate integration strategies between Jakarta Smart City technology and the C4ISR system. The research employs a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis based on secondary data from policy documents, official reports, and recent literature. Findings reveal that Jakarta Smart City can enhance intelligence, command, and control functions through real-time data and technological infrastructure, such as AI-powered CCTV and IoT sensors. However, significant challenges remain, including technological gaps between civilian and military systems, data security risks, and insufficient cross-agency coordination. In conclusion, successful integration requires improved interoperability between systems, enhanced cybersecurity measures, and updated national regulations to support synergy between civilian and military technologies. With these strategic measures, Jakarta Smart City can serve as a critical asset in bolstering national defense capabilities.</p> Aris Sarjito Agung Risdhianto Copyright (c) 2025 Contemporary Public Administration Review 2025-02-26 2025-02-26 2 2 143 169 10.26593/copar.v2i2.8943.143-169 From Smart City to Smart Village: Akselerasi Transformasi Digital dalam Optimalisasi Pelayanan Publik di Desa Kepatihan Kabupaten Gresik <p>Village digitalization is urgent in achieving sustainable development, especially in realizing the concept of smart village. Smart village is designed as an effort to develop the village’s potential and resources through the application of digital technology in various aspects of governance. This study discusses the implementation of the smart village concept in Kepatihan Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency, with a focus on the dimensions of smart government, smart economy, smart society, and smart infrastructure. The research used a qualitative approach method with interviews, observations, and documentation studies to obtain comprehensive data related to the information and communication technology used in the governance of Kepatihan Village. The results of the study show that Kepatihan Village has adopted various digital innovations, such as the use of the Premium Village Information System (SID) and collaboration with the Gresik Regency Communication and Informatics Agency in managing the village website. In addition, digital technology is also utilized to support local economic growth through a digital-based micro, small, and medium enterprises marketing platform. However, obstacles in the continuity of technological features training and optimization are still challenges in realizing a more effective and sustainable smart village. The conclusion of this study confirms that although digitalization steps have been implemented, it is necessary to increase human resource capacity through continuous training and strengthening the synergy between the government, community, and private sector to accelerate digital transformation of the village. With the right strategy, Kepatihan Village can continue to develop as an independent, innovative, and highly competitive village in the context of sustainable development.</p> Denny Iswanto Miskan Copyright (c) 2025 Contemporary Public Administration Review 2025-02-26 2025-02-26 2 2 170 186 10.26593/copar.v2i2.8794.170-186