Contemporary Public Administration Review <p>Contemporary Public Administration Review (CoPAR) is a scientific journal by the Department of Public Administration, Parahyangan Catholic University. This journal covers issues and practices associated with the digital government, collaborative governance, public policy, public management, digital society, community service, inclusive public services, public organisation, disaster and crisis management, decentralisation, and environmental concerns. Academic practitioners, researchers, scientists, students, and consultants can use CoPAR to discuss the application of public administration theories and concepts to significant political, economic, and social issues, as well as the formulation of public policy. All submitted manuscripts are subject to an initial evaluation by the Editor, and if they are deemed suitable for further consideration, they will undergo peer review. All peer review is conducted in a double-blind style. CoPAR, with ISSN 3025-7174 (online), is a peer-reviewed journal (online).</p> en-US (Tutik Rachmawati, Ph.D.) (Jeffri Yosep Simanjorang) Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Measuring Citizen Satisfaction with The Quality of Telemedicine in Indonesia: A National Survey Through Facebook and Instagram Advertisement <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Telemedicine leverages ICT to digitally transform and revolutionize healthcare delivery systems. The objective of digitizing health services is to enhance the quality of public services. Therefore, telemedicine must provide the same upgraded quality as conventional delivery. Although telemedicine has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, it must deliver the same high standards as traditional methods. The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the need for improved metrics to gauge satisfaction with digital health services. This study evaluates Indonesian citizens' satisfaction with telemedicine using the Healthcare Quality Indicators (HCQI) from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation Development, along with additional indicators relevant to Indonesia, including effectiveness, data security, privacy, responsiveness, accessibility, psychological safety, platform fees, and extra costs. An exploratory, descriptive qualitative research design was employed, with data collected via an online survey promoted through Facebook and Instagram, yielding 1,165 responses over 12 days. The analysis was conducted using NVivo 12 software. The results reveal that telemedicine services in Indonesia are generally considered "successful," with an average satisfaction rate of 89%. However, patient data security and privacy were identified as significant concerns, with satisfaction in these areas falling below the critical threshold of 58.30%. This indicates a pressing need for improvements in data protection and privacy to better meet user expectations.</p> </div> </div> </div> Aliya Oknawati Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Public Administration Review Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Aset Tetap oleh BPKAD Kabupaten Jember <p><em>Regional assets management is a critical component of financial management. Jember county's financial management and regional assets are in charge of financial management, in accordance with Peraturan Bupati Nomor 8 Tahun 2023. According to the performance report of the BPKAD government district jember 2023, annual performance gains on target asset percentage remains with legal documentation by 2023 went down and almost reached the target. Although there has been a decline, the attainment has been highly satisfactory. The goal of this study is to describe the performance of BPKAD assets in the management of jember's permanent assets. The study uses the "quasi-qualitative" approach by using data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documenting and gathering of some documents by viewing the four dimensions of organization's performance of effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, and transparency. This study shows that asset field performance in general has been consistent with the duties and functions seen from the four dimensions of the organization. But there are problems in asset management, such as many uncertified land assets, weak coordination with local device organizations, limited number of employees, and no fixed asset storage</em><em>.</em></p> Tree Setiawan Pamungkas, Selfi Budi Helpiastuti, Alfrida Septya Nurqarin Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Public Administration Review Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Implementasi Electronic Government Melalui Program KAREBA (Karcis Elektronik Kawasan Bira) Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Bulukumba <p>The utilization of information technology is increasingly being applied in various sectors, including the tourism industry. One form of its application is through e-ticketing at tourist destinations, which is expected to assist in managing the flow of tourists and reducing queues. This study aims to identify the implementation of electronic government through the Bira Area Electronic Ticket (KAREBA) program by the Bulukumba Regency Tourism Office, and the factors that influence it. This study uses a qualitative method, with the research location at the Bulukumba Regency Tourism Office. The data used consists of primary and secondary data, collected through observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out using a qualitative approach. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of electronic government through the KAREBA program at the Bulukumba Regency Tourism Office, with the Indrajat (2006) theoretical approach which includes Government to Citizen (G2C), Government to Business (G2B), Government to Government (G2G), and Government to Employees (G2E), has been running quite well. However, there is room for improvement, especially in the use of existing technology and regulations. The factors that influence this implementation consist of hindering factors and supporting factors. Hindering factors include human resources, low technological capabilities of the community, and existing regulations. External factors such as community violations and electricity problems are also hindering factors. Supporting factors include a regular organizational structure, electronic mass media, and revenue transparency through electronic ticket programs.</p> Mutdmainnah Ma, Andi Lukman Irwan, Irwan Ade Saputra, Andika Anas Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Public Administration Review Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Implementasi Program Rehabilitasi Sosial Rumah Tidak Layak Huni Pada Rumah Tangga Miskin Di Kecamatan Kasemen Kota Serang <p>Poverty reflects the inability of individuals or groups to adequately meet their economic needs. One of the consequences of poverty is uninhabitable housing. To address this issue, the Serang City Government initiated the Uninhabitable Housing Social Rehabilitation (RS-RTLH) program. This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the RS-RTLH program in Kasemen District, Serang City. This study used a qualitative research method through interviews, observations, documentation, and various literature studies for data collection. The results of the study indicate that although the Government Agency for Social Affairs (Dinsos) and the Government Agency for Public Housing and Settlement Area (DPRKP) have committed to working together, there are shortcomings in communication regarding the distribution of program funds. However, the implementation of this program in Serang City has been successful, with the rehabilitation of 1,241 houses between 2021 and 2023. Based on this analysis, it is recommended that the Dinsos and DPRKP accelerate the process of submitting assistance, improve communication between agencies, and involve the community in purchasing building materials. In addition, it is important to encourage residents living in uninhabitable houses to utilize the flat facilities provided by the government to improve their quality of life. By conducting a careful evaluation of the implementation of the RS-RTLH program, the Serang City Government can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the program and ensure that the assistance provided has a significant impact on the community in need.</p> Feriyansah Adi Saputra , Rahma Cantika Rahma Cantika, Aryo Hendrawan, Dewi Ratu Hapsari Jati , Firman Budhi Darmansyah Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Public Administration Review Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Transformasi Budaya Organisasi melalui Internalisasi Core Values AKHLAK di PT TASPEN Kantor Cabang Jember <p>The Trusting, Competent, Harmony, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaboarative (AKHLAK) Core Values serve as a unifying element for work culture, moral principles, and behavioral guidelines that must be implemented by human resources in state-owned enterprises, including TASPEN Jember. This is crucial for an organization’s progress due to recent challenges faced by state-owned enterprises, such as a lack of adherence to high moral standards. The objective of this research is to understand the changing process of organizational culture at TASPEN Jember through the implementation of AKHLAK Core Values. The theory used in this research is Kurt Lewin's (1947) Change of Model Theory. This study employs a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The data were then tested for validity and analyzed through source and technique triangulation. The results of this study indicate the stages or processes of organizational culture transformation through the phases of unfreezing, movement, and refreezing. The transformation process begins with the unfreezing stage, which involves dissolving the old culture of Taspen, known as TASPENKU. During this phase, employees are motivated to adapt and open themselves to change. This is followed by the movement stage, where Core Values AKHLAK are implemented. In this phase, employees are required to apply every aspect of AKHLAK values within their work environment. Finally, the refreezing stage involves TASPEN Jember employees maintaining and reinforcing the AKHLAK values that have been successfully adopted.</p> Hermanto Rohman, Selfi Budi Helpiastuti, Fitriatul Khasanah Copyright (c) 2024 Contemporary Public Administration Review Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0700