Administrasi Publik2015-09-23T07:28:13+07:00Pius Suratman Journal SystemsJurnal Administrasi Publik (JAP) aims to explore theoritical grounds for both public policy and management, to disseminate results of conducted particular policy analysis and research, as well as to bring public policy and management theories into best practices. Konsep Publik Dalam Pemikiran dan Praktek Pembangunan Kota Bandung Lestari2015-09-23T07:23:46+07:00Pius Suratman<em>Sustainable development is defined as the ability to ensure the fulfillment of the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. The concept of sustainable urban development is crucial because at the beginning of the 21st century, more than half of the world's population live in urban areas. By using the concept of sustainable development and comparing the empirical facts about the reputation of the city of Bandung with other cities in Indonesia, this paper aims to a hypothesis stating that the realization of becoming a champion city of Bandung, as politically announced by its mayor, remains a tremendous challenge. Four critical issues need to be addressed, both by city government of Bandung as well as by its citizens, in order to promote sustainable urban development. These are, firstly, how to meet the considerable needs of the entire population of Bandung as the fight against poverty through employment and adequate public services. Secondly, how to establish a political system that guarantees the participation of the population Bandung effectively in the decision making process and ensure the application of greater democracy in both national and international levels. Thirdly, how to control the number of population and to promote lifestyle changes, both the manager and the people. Fourthly, how to build political will at encouraging all of them can be realized. At the end, this article concludes that the revitalization of publicness as central concept in sustainable development has now met its momentum, yet it needs the tireless efforts.</em>Copyright (c) 2015 Pius Suratman Kartasasmita Transportasi Umum untuk Kepentingan Publik2015-09-23T07:24:09+07:00A. Caroline<em>Metropolitan cities with population of more than two million people and various activities i.e. economy, social, culture, education, and tourism, will automatically attract satellite cities. Impact of certain activities, poor land use, and limited infrastructure development physically leads to the increase of travel necessities which then causes traffic congestion almost during the whole day. One of the aspects needed to create a sustainable metropolitan city is good public transportation. The case study is carried out in Bandung. Based on existing conditions found in Bandung's public transportation, with paratransit as common public transportation and a limited number of mass rapid transit, therefore proposed alternative solutions could be as follow: the availability of city regulation, effort to reduce traffic congestion, orderly operation of paratransit, fixed route of medium and large bus operation, adherence of road users to traffic regulation, and good land use management, that involve all stakeholders.</em>Copyright (c) 2015 A. Caroline Sutandi Resource Management System (GRMS): Inovasi Layanan Publik Dalam Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah di Pemerintah Kota Surabaya2015-09-23T07:26:28+07:00Eva Hany Fanidaefanida@yahoo.comFitrotun<p><em>Implementation of e-Government, in fact facilitates the relationships between government, private, and the community, making them more efficient, effective, and productive. The ease of governance relationships through e-Government was responded well by the Surabaya City Government in order to improve services to the government, the private sector and the public. To improve its services, city officials adopted the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), a kind of software that integrates all departments and functions of a company or into a computer system that can serve all the needs of the company, either from the sales department, HR, production or finance. The objective of the ERP system is to coordinate the organization's overall business. </em></p><p><em>The Surabaya City Government has implemented the ERP software with the name of Government Resources Management System (GRMS). The GRMS is one of the innovations developed as a resource management system that is integrated with the administration of bureaucratic activity from upstream to downstream (in the context of spending) that has been developed by the government of Surabaya in order to support local financial management. The implementation of GRMS is expected to increase transparency and accountability in government procurement, information on the state or condition of physical progress of a work and its problems, and facilitate the acknowledgement and accumulation of expenditures for each activity in the construction and implementation of activities or tasks in accordance with schedule which have been implemented. So that the desired output to meet the challenges and demands of better public services.</em></p>Copyright (c) 2015 Jurnal Administrasi Publik Kualitas Pelayanan Publik Melalui Citizen's Charter2015-09-23T07:28:13+07:00Meirinawati<p><em>Public service is an effort to meet the basic needs for goods, services and administrative services provided by public service providers to the public. Good public services must be able to meet the needs of the community that are not convoluted, with a waiting time is relatively quick, and can be beneficial to all parties. It is claimed that poor public services are still becoming the reality of our current society. One of the efforts to encourage the government to improve the quality of public services is by using citizen's charter. It includes an agreement between service providers and service users about the types, procedures, costs, time and manner of service delivery according to service standards that are agreed by all parties involved.</em></p>Copyright (c) 2015 Jurnal Administrasi Publik Maladministrasi Birokrasi Dalam Pelayanan Publik di Kota Pekanbaru, Provinsi Riau: Faktor Penyebab dan Solusinya2015-09-23T07:25:54+07:00Rodi Abdul Malekdrlaar96@gmail.comAzmi<em>Changes in the system of government and bureaucratic reforms have not been able to prevent maladministration in the bureaucratic behavior in Indonesia. The question is whether this type of behavior exists in public service in the city of Pekanbaru. The purpose of this study is to investigate the causes of such behavior in government institutions that provides document services directly to the public and whether it has a back up solution to prevent bureaucratic maladministration behavior. Questionnaires were distributed to 250 employees of Population and Civil Registration, Office of Integrated Services and Investment, Immigration Office Class I, Office SAMSAT and sub-district office employees in the city of Pekanbaru. Quantitative analysis of this study reinforced the result of a depth interview conducted with 5 key informants, a supporting method employed in this research. The research revealed that bureaucratic maladministration behavior is caused by heredity bureaucratic culture where the institutions eventually discharge employees who have low labor productivity and shift the mind set of employees in order to improve the quality of service.</em>Copyright (c) 2015 Jurnal Administrasi Publik Private Partnership: Kolaborasi Pemerintah dan Swasta Dalam Pengelolaan Aset Publik di Kota Makassar2015-09-23T07:25:07+07:00Abdul<p><em>This study aims to describe the model of cooperation between the Government of Makassar as the bureaucracy with the private sector within the framework of collaborative governance, and see the effectiveness of such cooperation for the public interest. The study used a qualitative approach, the locus of the two institutions namely Makassar City Government and PT. Tosan Permai as the developer. The focus of research is on the management aspects Karebosi Field. Sources of data obtained from cooperating agencies and also from other stakeholders which are the Land Board, Member of Parliament, and the public of Makassar. Data collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. Data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative perform data reduction, presentation, interpretation and subsequent inference.</em></p><p><em>The results shows that Makassar City Government handed over the management of public assets to the private sector due to limited resources such as the management of construction and maintenance funds, facilities and personnel. With the cooperation between the private sector collaborative, public asset development can be done quickly and minimize the use of local government budgets. Public asset management right field Karebosi conducted by the Mayor of Makassar with the private sector using the model of contracting out in the form of joint use of the system through the model BGS (Guna Bangun Serah). Within this cooperation mode, each party has the rights and obligations set out in the contract. The results of the collaboration have a positive impact for both sides namely to municipalities to generate revenue (PAD) and no longer burdened with the cost of management and maintenance of land, availability of comfortable public space area and a green area in the city center. Private parties gain the utilization of land and underground around the field as the business district. The society benefits from the availability of public space as a mean of recreations, sports, and other various events.</em></p>Copyright (c) 2015 Jurnal Administrasi Publik