Sapientia Humana: Jurnal Sosial Humaniora 2025-01-08T09:59:36+07:00 Yusuf Siswantara Open Journal Systems <p><em>The SAPIENTIA HUMANA Scientific Journal publishes opinion articles and research articles on values and humanity. Methods and themes can vary but should cover the following topics, including: e</em><em>ducation, </em><em>Applied Ethics, </em><em>Pancasila and Citizenship, </em><em>History-Anthropology-Sociology, </em><em>Environment, </em><em>Media and Technology, </em><em>Literature, </em><em>Aesthetics</em></p> Darurat Demokrasi: Krisis Keadilan Dan Bias Kepentingan 2024-10-28T08:57:13+07:00 Willfridus Demetrius Siga Onesius Otenieli Daeli <p>Democracy emergencies often become a phenomenon and issue in Indonesia. Responses to this issue are certainly very diverse. There are biases and prejudices directed at the state of democracy in Indonesia. At the concrete and practical level, democracy itself is a tool to achieve common goals. However, on the other hand, democracy is in an emergency condition because it has been used as a non-transparent tool, and democracy is even used as a means to perpetuate the pursuit of interests. This research aims to provide new discourse and insights into the crisis situation and democratic bias that is occurring, while also trying to find answers regarding the political role of citizens in overcoming the crisis. The method used in the activities is the qualitative discourse method through literature study, observation, and focus group discussion. (FGD). The research results indicate that the issues of demos and krator need to be returned to their essence, both conceptually and in practice, in the political life of the nation and state. Individuals who are called to enter the world of politics and run a democracy need to be accompanied by knowledge and experience (arête). The practice of democracy becomes effective when those involved in political decision-making are able to perform their duties and produce policies that do not lead to the common good. If placed in the context of Indonesia, Pancasila should become a source and inspiration for democracy that prioritises common interests and justice.</p> 2024-11-27T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Willfridus Demetrius Siga, Onesius Otenieli Daeli Fenomena Hate Speech (Ujaran Kebencian) Di Indonesia Dalam Tinjauan Filsafat Manusia 2024-12-26T20:48:06+07:00 Natalius Andriyanto Daniel Deky Septian <table width="612"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="420"> <p>Tulisan ini berfokus pada fenomena <em>hate speech</em> (ujaran kebencian) yang terjadi dalam realitas kehidupan manusia terutama dalam konteks Indonesia sebagai negara multikultural. Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi yang semakin pesat menjadi lahan subur bagi penyebaran <em>hate speech</em> karena komunikasi sudah dapat digunakan melalui jarak jauh yaitu dengan melalui berbagai platform media sosial. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif: studi atas berbagai referensi yang membahas fenomena <em>hate speech</em> yang kemudian ditelusuri dalam telaah ilmu filsafat manusia terutama dalam hal komunikasi manusia, kesadaran manusia akan kehadiran yang lain, dan kebebasan manusia sebagai makhluk yang otonom terutama dalam berpendapat. Hal yang dapat penulis temukan melalui tulisan ini adalah bahwa <em>hate speech</em> terjadi karena manusia hanya mengandalkan perasaan dan kebebasan kehendak dalam berhadapan dengan yang lain. Manusia masih kurang sadar bahwa kehidupannya tidak dapat dilepaskan dari peranan yang lain. <em>Hate speech</em> membuat antara manusia sebagai subjek ‘aku’ dengan yang lain saling membenci dan memusuhi. Maka, tinjauan filsafat manusia ini berusaha untuk membangun kembali kesadaran manusia sebagai ‘<em>being with the others</em>’ (ada bersama yang lain) sehingga manusia seharusnya lebih mengutamakan upaya persahabatan dan kerukunan daripada membuat suatu permusuhan dan kebencian satu sama lain.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Natalius Andriyanto, Daniel Deky, Septian Pancasila Sebagai Alternatif Solusi Ideologi Era Postmodern 2024-12-26T20:49:58+07:00 Edy Syahputra Sihombing David Michael Setyadarma <p><em>The postmodern era, as described by Jean-François Lyotard, is characterized by a deep paradigm of relativism, where truth and values are seen not as absolute but contingent upon perspectives and contexts. After World War II, the world was divided into two major ideological forces, Liberalism and Communism, which competed in the Cold War for global dominance. Although, after the Cold War, Liberalism was deemed relevant to the post-conflict world, various debates indicate that this ideology is not fully capable of addressing the challenges posed by relativism in the postmodern era. In this context, this study employs a qualitative approach with a literature review method to explore the relevance of Pancasila as an alternative solution to the complexities of postmodern relativism. The author argues that Pancasila, with its inclusive and universal values, offers an ideology that can provide stability and integration in a society that is increasingly plural and fragmented.</em></p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Edy Syahputra Sihombing, David Michael Setyadarma Konsep Eros Dan Agape Dalam Kehidupan Manusia Menurut Anders Nygren 2024-12-31T20:17:17+07:00 Paulinus Herlambang Fransiskus Borgias M <p><em>Eros, as love associated with self-desire and self-gratification, contrasts with Agape, which is genuine love prioritizing the welfare of others above oneself. This article employs a literary analysis method to explore how these two concepts influence and interact within the dynamics of human relationships, both spiritually and interpersonally. The findings indicate that a profound understanding of Eros and Agape can enrich and deepen the meaning of authentic human relationships, offering a fresh perspective on how love can transform and affirm human dignity in the context of relationships with others and with God. Insights from Eros and Agape contribute to expanding our understanding of love in human life and its relevance in broader social and spiritual contexts</em></p> 2024-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Paulinus Herlambang, Fransiskus Borgias M Navigating the Democratic Crisis: Indonesia’s Journey Through Political Ethics, Law, and Social Change 2024-10-28T08:44:58+07:00 Artha Debora Silalahi Rizal Mustansyir Sindung Tjahyadi Siti Murtiningsih <p><em>This article explores the crisis narrative surrounding the erosion of democracy in Indonesia, with a particular emphasis on political and ethical responsibilities. It examines the prevailing consensus on the consequences, factors, and conceptualization of democracy, especially concerning political trust and ethical governance. The discussion underscores how democracy evolves by deconstructing and reshaping societal structures, drawing on Kantian philosophy and the core pillars of democratic society. The paper highlights the inherent flaws in democratic principles, demonstrating how these imperfections permit varying degrees of freedom within societal practices. It advocates for the value of cultivating a culture of open, public discourse aboutcollective societal objectives. However, it also points out that the actual practice of lawmaking, implementation, and enforcement often deviates from its doctrinal ideals, particularly when the law’s purported impartiality contrasts with its impact on marginalized communities. These inconsistencies are examined as outcomes of the exercise of political power, illustrating that the law is shaped by political morality and legitimacy rather than being wholly independent. Furthermore, the article delves into the decline of democracy by engaging in dialogue about the process of its deterioration, rather than simply questioning the reasons behind it. This study also explores democracy and philosophy both in theory and practice, framing law as a reflective inquiry into the democratic process. Ultimately, it advocates for the political concepts of democracy to be subjected to scientific analysis and validation.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2025-01-02T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Artha Debora Silalahi, Rizal Mustansyir, Sindung Tjahyadi, Siti Murtiningsih Menakar Yang Kreatif dalam Demokrasi Komunikatif 2025-01-08T09:59:36+07:00 Silvester Kanisius Laku <p><em>This paper discusses creativity within Iris Marion Young's communicative democracy. The analysis of creativity in Young's communicative democracy focuses on the tension between the informal communication model proposed by Young through everyday communication such as greetings, rhetoric, and narrative (storytelling), and the procedural and rational argumentative models in deliberative democracy. On one hand, the rational argumentative model is considered the best way to achieve consensus, but on the other hand, this model is seen as betraying the participation of ordinary people who generally not only lack access to power structures but also have limited rational capabilities. Young's communicative democracy model is viewed as an alternative way to address this practical deadlock. This paper aims to present a new perspective in the field of political philosophy about an alternative way of thinking that may overcome the procedural rigidity in deliberative democracy. The method used in writing this paper is descriptive and critical analysis, which aims not only to provide an overview of the ideas of communicative democracy and the tensions surrounding these ideas, but also to explore the possibility of linking communicative democracy with an understanding of creativity. The findings suggest that Young's communicative democracy is best understood as creativity in democracy for the purpose of justice for all.</em></p> 2025-01-08T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Silvester Kanisius Laku