Sapientia Humana: Jurnal Sosial Humaniora <p><em>The SAPIENTIA HUMANA Scientific Journal publishes opinion articles and research articles on values and humanity. Methods and themes can vary but should cover the following topics, including: e</em><em>ducation, </em><em>Applied Ethics, </em><em>Pancasila and Citizenship, </em><em>History-Anthropology-Sociology, </em><em>Environment, </em><em>Media and Technology, </em><em>Literature, </em><em>Aesthetics</em></p> Universitas Katolik Parahyangan en-US Sapientia Humana: Jurnal Sosial Humaniora 2807-8756 The Ethics of Transhumanism from the Perspective of Gilbert Ryle Monist Ethics: Ambiguities and Prospects <p><em>Transhumanism attempts to overcome human limitations through the use of technology, such as nanotechnology, artificial intelligence, and genetic modifications. In the monist ethical perspective, humans are considered complex material entities, and consciousness is understood as a product of the physical and chemical interactions in the brain with various other parts of the body. The problem is that with such artificial revolutions, ethical foundations based on corporeal limitations become irrelevant. Gilbert Ryle questions Platonistic dispositions that overly rely on reduction with the consequence of extractive knowledge rather than abstract knowledge. Plato's line of thought is then strengthened by Cartesian dualism, which, when applied in a monist perspective, can be reduced to an extraction of brain performance. Ryle proposes an abstraction that allows for the interaction between elements to form a unified understanding of the complex. Based on Ryle's thinking, a study of monist ethics can offer a thoughtful approach to constructing an ethical framework that aligns with the transhumanist era's revolution.</em></p> Mardohar Batu Bornok Simanjuntak Andreas Doweng Bolo Ambrosius Markus Loho Copyright (c) 2023 2023-12-30 2023-12-30 3 02 66 73 10.26593/jsh.v3i02.6940 Konsep “Huma Betang” Sebagai Model Penghayatan Iman Dialogal Dalam Pandangan Aloysius Pieris <p><em>This article delves into the philosophical-theological significance of Huma Betang, the traditional house of the Dayak people in Central Kalimantan, within the context of the Church's faith dialogue. Huma Betang, serving as a cultural representation, articulates values of humanity, familial bonds, communal living, and equality. The research aims to delineate the theological values manifested in the daily dynamics of Huma Betang, concentrating on the faith dialogue within the Church's responsibilities, including diakonia, kerygma, martyria, the celebration of faith/liturgy, and koinonia. The research methodology employs a literature review approach, drawing from previous writings, the perspectives of Aloysius Pieris, and documents from the Catholic Church. The study's findings reveal that the Theology of Huma Betang mirrors the religiosity of Asia, illustrating communal living where the community gathers to listen to the word of God. Values of familial bonds, communal living, and equality serve as the foundation for the everyday dynamics of Huma Betang, illustrating the principle of collective living in harmony with others.</em></p> Anjelinusloi manek Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 3 02 74 84 10.26593/jsh.v3i02.6662 Pengembangan Website Art Braga sebagai Sarana untuk Memasarkan Produk UMKM sebagai Upaya Implementasi Digital Citizenship dan Kearifan Lokal <p><em>The Art Braga website is a medium used to market MSME products in Braga to make them better known to a wider audience. The importance of digital media for marketing products is supported by the development of supporting internet technology. This is proven by the increasing number of people who use the internet. The aim of this research is to provide education regarding the importance of digital media for marketing products and applying IPR in works so that MSME actors can implement digital citizenship and maintain local wisdom regarding the works of art they own. Apart from that, it collects data on painting MSMEs to be input into a website, so that it can support the amount of information obtained by consumers when accessing the website. This research uses qualitative methods and descriptive analysis which provides an overview of the environment where MSMEs operate in Braga.</em></p> Lysia Nietha Marcella Laia Rizal Juliana Hajati Ahmat Jaya Gulo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-11 2024-01-11 3 02 85 97 10.26593/jsh.v3i02.6314 Strategi Mahasiswa Unpar Dalam Bermedia Sosial sebagai Bagian dari Digital Citizenship yang Kritis <p><em>Media literacy in modern times has become a fundamental need required to be owned by the community, especially students. Through the application of good and wise media literacy, readers can avoid bad influences due to inaccurate information. In its application, media literacy has a lot of contact with social media (a digital platform that is often used for social interaction as well as a reference for exchanging information). Many cases and violations have occurred as a result of misuse of information and the spread of fake news in the digital world, for this reason, high awareness is needed for social media users to apply ethics and morals as formed in the concept of Digital Citizenship. Through globalization theory which can provide direction regarding the relationship of the three important points (media literacy, social media and digital citizenship), it is hoped that this research report can add new insights and points of view for readers. In an effort to get mature conclusions, accurate data is needed, where in this research report the related group has approached students majoring in International Relations at Parahyangan University as the target respondents to fill in the questions given through a questionnaire form. Furthermore, the analysis is created in accordance with existing data and is not contrived</em></p> Nadya Abigail Napitupulu Jihan Fadia Haya Nathania Vanessa Angelivia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-12 2024-01-12 3 02 98 106 10.26593/jsh.v3i02.6228 Konsep Manusia Menurut Dayak Wehea Kalimantan Timur Dalam Terang Filsafat Martin Buber <p>The focus of this research is to explore the concept of man according to Dayak Wehea in the light of Martin Buber's philosophy. Thus, the data mining and research site are centered on the Wehea Dayak Tribe. This research departs from the author's awareness of the noble cultural values ​​contained in customs, which in the course of time began to be eroded by the currents of time. In the midst of this modern era, the values ​​of local wisdom are starting to be neglected and many local people do not understand the values ​​and meaning behind these customs and culture. Departing from this phenomenon, this research attempts to explore and document local wisdom values ​​specifically regarding the concept of humans as relational creatures as promoted by Martin Buber. The methodology used in this research is a qualitative method through literature study by processing existing data. Apart from that, to ensure the authenticity of the writing regarding the customs of the Wehea Dayak Tribe, interviews were also conducted with resource persons who are traditional leaders who understand and still implement these customs. From the research results, it was found that the concept of humans as relational creatures as promoted by Martin Buber is actually pervasive and manifested in the life and culture of the Wehea Dayak Tribe, specifically this conception is manifested in traditional birth, marriage and death ceremonies.</p> Yovinus Andinata Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-16 2024-01-16 3 02 107 124 10.26593/jsh.v3i02.7160 Tubuh dan Politik: Perspektif Feminis Iris Marion Young <div class="flex flex-grow flex-col max-w-full gap-3 gizmo:gap-0"> <div class="min-h-[20px] text-message flex flex-col items-start gap-3 whitespace-pre-wrap break-words [.text-message+&amp;]:mt-5 overflow-x-auto" data-message-author-role="assistant" data-message-id="0b14f184-d01a-484f-922b-1389ff2d7619"> <div class="markdown prose w-full break-words dark:prose-invert light"> <p><em>This article explores the thoughts of one of contemporary feminist political figures, Iris Marion Young of the body, as well analyzing the dynamics of power, inequality, and experiences of social, cultural, and political alienation. Young states that the body transcends its physicality, it emerges as a locus of politics. Power, he says, operates on the body through social norms, cultural expectations, and policies, shaping the way individuals understand and experience their bodies. These norms, depicted as sources of inequality in bodily experience, contribute to the establishment of socio-political hierarchies in society. Understanding the potential and capacity of the body has a significant political influence in determining the existence of women within the framework of society. This paper aims to describe and analyze Young's concept of feminist politics and highlight its political implications regarding the role of women in society. This research begins with the assumption that, through self-transcendence and understanding the body's capacity to resist immanence, women can assert their existence in society. Rooted in the belief that, as political subjects, all humans are inherently equal, Young challenges traditional paradigms of social and political roles, offering a radical perspective on the body and the self-empowering capacity to live with others. To achieve this goal, the author uses a literature review methodology, emphasizing elements of philosophical research methods such as hermeneutics, description, inductive and deductive analysis, as well as analysis of the coherence of Young's ideas. This article contributes to the ongoing discourse on feminist philosophy, offering a comprehensive exploration of Young's influential thinking on the political dimensions of the body and its implications for women's roles in society.</em></p> </div> </div> </div> Silvester Kanisius Laku Copyright (c) 2024 2024-01-18 2024-01-18 3 02 125 138 10.26593/jsh.v3i02.7324