FOCUS 2024-06-12T13:41:58+07:00 R.F. Bhanu Viktorahadi Open Journal Systems <p><a href="">FOCUS</a> is an open access journal covering multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and trans-disciplinary studies of religion in the field of contemporary transformative theology. Transformative theology is a field of study that examines logically the doctrines of faith in religions that are connected to the context of the problems of contemporary society in this world. However, the scope of theological perspective also includes studies related to aspects of spirituality, philosophy, religion, psychology, sociology, arts and culture which have a research focus to make a scientific contribution in answering contemporary multi-religious and multi-cultural humanitarian issues. <a href="">Read more</a></p> The Role of Nahdlatul Ulama in Building a New Era Civilization 2024-03-26T12:37:26+07:00 Neng Hilma Mimar Kristining Seva <p>This research aims to analyze the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) movement in building a superior era, evaluate the implementation of NU's cultural values to society, especially the younger generation, and identify the positive and negative impacts of NU movement development in the new era. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a narrative research approach and utilizes theoretical frameworks from Norbert Elias and F. Ratzel. Data were obtained through literature study, then analyzed using data reduction techniques, data presentation, and conclusions. The results show that the NU movement in revitalizing the civilization of the new era is directed through the preaching concepts inherited from previous scholars, with strategic steps covering religious, political, economic, and social fields. NU places belief as a sub-dominant to encourage aspects of community life based on religious teachings. The positive impact is the preservation of NU's cultural values, while the negative impact is the lack of adaptation to other religious groups. In conclusion, NU applies cultural values into its integrity by referring to the legacy of previous scholars, especially in building the concept of Islam Nusantara, as NU's effort in facing globalization.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Neng Hilma Mimar, Kristining Seva Islamic Renewal and Reformation 2024-02-14T21:58:18+07:00 Muhammad Valiyyul Haqq Rahim Rahimin Affandi Abdul <p>This article discusses the renewal of civilization which is an integral part of Islamic thought. Using the qualitative analysis method, this literature review found several things about the meaning, meaning and origins of renewal in Islamic history. The relationship between the renewal of thought and the concept of ijtihad is also discussed, as well as how this renewal is manifested in the writings of Islamic thinkers. This article develops reform formulations and guidelines that contemporary Muslims must strive for in articulating the goal of harmony between civilizations and their cooperation for the common good.</p> 2024-04-04T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Valiyyul Haqq, Rahimin Affandi Abdul Rahim Gender and Feminism in an Islamic Perspective 2024-02-14T21:51:04+07:00 Fakhrul Lazuardi Lilly Suzana binti Haji Shamsu <p>The great dominance of men in various areas of life and the injustice felt by Western women had an impact on the emergence of the feminist movement, which initially only demanded equal rights to continue education in all aspects, including gender equality. This study uses a literature review method on writings that talk about Islam and Feminism. From the research results, it was found that in Islam, the roles of men and women in terms of politics, economics, education, social life and legal sanctions have the same portions and responsibilities. Islamic texts urge the progress and role of women in various areas of good life.</p> 2024-04-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fakhrul Lazuardi, Lilly Suzana binti Haji Shamsu Islamic Puritanism and Wahhabi Development 2024-02-14T21:55:35+07:00 Diran Murtado Muhammad Roflee Waehama <p>This study explores the impact and ideology of Wahhabism within Islamic puritanism, focusing on its historical development and contemporary implications. It aims to analyze Wahhabi thought's origins, principles, and influence on Islamic revival movements and interpretations of rituals and values. Adopting a qualitative approach, data is drawn from primary sources like the Qur'an, Hadith literature, and secondary sources such as academic articles and books. Wahhabism, led by Muhammad ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab, emerged in the 18th century to purify Islam, rejecting intellectualism, mysticism, and cultural diversity, advocating for a literal interpretation of texts. This ideology has influenced modern Islamic movements and contributed to religious violence, impacting the interpretation of Islamic principles amidst contemporary dynamics. In conclusion, this research underscores Wahhabism's lasting influence on Islamic thought, shaping debates on orthodoxy, cultural identity, and political ideology within the Muslim world, contributing to a deeper understanding of Islamic puritanism's complexities and its global implications.</p> 2024-04-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Diran Murtado, Muhammad Roflee Waehama The Concept of Multiculturalism in the Progressive Islamic Ideology of Muhammadiyah 2024-03-28T08:00:07+07:00 Dikdik Dahlan Lukman Willfridus Demetrius Siga <p>This research aims to explore the concept of multiculturalism according to Muhammadiyah, specifically as outlined in the concept of the Progressive Islamic Ideology (Risalah Islam Berkemajuan). The research method employed is discourse analysis with a qualitative approach. The primary source of data is the resolutions of the 48th Muhammadiyah Congress in Surakarta, particularly focusing on the section concerning the Progressive Islamic Ideology (RIB). This study affirms that Islam as understood, practiced, advocated, and propagated by the Muhammadiyah organization is highly accommodating to the concept of multiculturalism, including principles that are fundamental such as creed, movement methodology, and preaching understood by Muhammadiyah.</p> 2024-04-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dikdik Dahlan Lukman, Willfridus Demetrius Siga Peran Gereja Dalam Membangun Komunikasi Sosial Melalui Terang Dekrit Inter Mirifica 2024-04-29T06:14:14+07:00 Edy Syahputra Sihombing Jhonas Fandi Gumilar Marianus Daslan <p><em>Kehidupan manusia saat ini ditandai dengan perkembangan teknologi media komunikasi sosial yang semakin canggih. Kemajuan teknologi media komunikasi sosial memberikan kemudahan dalam membangun komunikasi sosial juga membangun relasi satu sama lain dan sebagai media untuk ajaran iman. Gereja Katolik melihat konteks tersebut menjadi peluang dan menunjukkan antusiasme menyambut berbagai inovasi teknologi yang dapat digunakan sebagai sarana melakukan pelayanan spiritual bagi umat beriman. Akan tetapi, melalui wawancara, survei kepada beberapa umat Katolik, studi kepustakaan dan studi literatur yang relevan, serta observasi terhadap media komunikasi sosial yang digunakan untuk pelayanan Gereja, penulis menemukan bahwa berbagai aplikasi media sosial seperti pisau bermata dua yang dapat berdampak positif dan negatif. Tulisan ini membahas tanggapan Gereja Katolik melalui dekrit Inter Mirifica terhadap perkembangan teknologi sebagai media komunikasi. Melalui tulisan ini dikatakan bahwa pandangan Gereja Katolik terhadap perkembangan teknologi sebagai media komunikasi bernada optimis. Oleh sebab itu, penulis menawarkan rekomendasi bagi pelaksana pastoral agar dapat menggunakan media komunikasi sosial sebagai sarana yang efektif dalam pewartaan Gereja.</em></p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Edy Syahputra Sihombing, Jhonas Fandi Gumilar, Marianus Daslan Transformasi Tari Piring 2024-06-08T05:47:27+07:00 Elaine V.B. Kustedja Kairupan Melvyn Zaafir <p>Tari Piring, seni tari tradisional dari Minangkabau, Sumatera Barat, awalnya adalah bagian dari ritus kesuburan agraris yang sarat dengan nilai-nilai religius dan spiritual. Seiring dengan masuknya pengaruh Islam pada abad ke-16 dan perubahan sosial-budaya dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, Tari Piring mengalami perubahan signifikan menjadi komoditas dalam industri pariwisata dan hiburan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi transformasi Tari Piring dari ekspresi religius ke komoditas ekonomi, serta dampak proses komodifikasi ini terhadap nilai-nilai tradisional dan religius tari tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Sementara, analisis data dilakukan dengan menelaah perubahan dalam bentuk pertunjukan, pemasaran, dan persepsi masyarakat terhadap Tari Piring. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komodifikasi Tari Piring menyebabkan pergeseran dari nilai-nilai religius dan budaya ke nilai-nilai ekonomis. Tari Piring kini lebih sering ditampilkan sebagai atraksi pariwisata dan hiburan daripada sebagai bagian dari upacara adat. Meskipun ini meningkatkan visibilitas dan eksistensi Tari Piring di era modern, perubahan ini juga mengancam keberlanjutan nilai-nilai tradisional dan spiritualnya. Elemen asli dari tari ini mengalami perubahan untuk memenuhi selera pasar, mengorbankan makna spiritual yang dulunya sangat kental.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elaine V.B. Kustedja, Kairupan Melvyn Zaafir Menggali Spiritualitas Melalui Seni dan Festival di Era Modern 2024-06-12T13:41:58+07:00 Yacobus Ari Respati Jennifer Jennifer <p>Seni kontemporer hadir di dunia abad 21 yang digital dan informasional. Seni menduduki tempat dalam yang disebut oleh Han Byung-Chul sebagai masyarakat pencapaian atau achievement society dengan keindahan digital yang serba memuluskan persepsi, didominasi oleh pola-pola konsumsi, dan menjauh dari keindahan natural yang bersifat Ilahi. Dengan menggunakan gagasan tentang festival dan kontemplasinya sebagai asal seni, tulisan ini hendak mengelaborasi bagaimana seni dapat menyingkap persepsi baru dengan cara memisahkan eksistensi kerja dan cipta. Melalui studi literatur, tulisan ini mendapati bahwa seni dengan daya ciptanya mampu memulihkan kemanusiaan supaya kembali berserah dan memberi ruang kepada Tuhan. Seni memunculkan kesunyian yang merupakan medium dari keindahan natural, sehingga manusia menjadi kembali terhubung dengan pengadanya (being) sendiri. Dengan demikian, seni dapat membantu memaknai kehidupan spiritual kontemporer secara berarti.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yacobus Ari Respati, Jennifer Jennifer