FOCUS <p><a href="">FOCUS</a> is an open access journal covering multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and trans-disciplinary studies of religion in the field of contemporary transformative theology. Transformative theology is a field of study that examines logically the doctrines of faith in religions that are connected to the context of the problems of contemporary society in this world. However, the scope of theological perspective also includes studies related to aspects of spirituality, philosophy, religion, psychology, sociology, arts and culture which have a research focus to make a scientific contribution in answering contemporary multi-religious and multi-cultural humanitarian issues. <a href="">Read more</a></p> en-US (R.F. Bhanu Viktorahadi) (admin BTI) Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Toward a More Hospitable Church <p>This article explores the interconnection between the phenomenon of migration and ecclesiology by analyzing the thoughts of Bernard Lonergan (1904-1984) and Peter C. Phan (1943- …). Utilizing qualitative method and literature study, this research seeks to elucidate how Lonergan’s idea of historical consciousness and Phan’s theological-ecclesiological reflection upon the Church could bring about a fresh understanding of the Church which is more hospitable and hence more inclusive. This is certainly not an easy task as the Church has undergone a lot of dynamics. Looking back at the history of this more-than-two-thousand-year-old institution, one will find that it is indeed a history laden with accounts of migrations. Consequently, while Phan’s project of doing a theological reflection on migration can pave the way towards a more hospitable Church, Lonergan’s proposal to resort to historical consciousness may serve as the key element in ecclesiology.</p> Thomas Kristiatmo Copyright (c) 2024 Thomas Kristiatmo Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Sakramen Rekonsiliasi di Era Modern <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tantangan perubahan budaya terhadap praktik dan pemahaman umat tentang sakramen rekonsiliasi di Paroki Santa Maria Fatima Sentul, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umat enggan mengaku dosa karena beberapa kendala, seperti rasa malu di hadapan imam, pemahaman dangkal tentang dosa yang hanya dianggap sebagai benar atau salah tanpa mempertimbangkan dampaknya terhadap relasi dengan Allah, serta pengaruh relativisme moral yang mengaburkan kesadaran akan dosa objektif. Solusi pastoral yang ditawarkan meliputi katekese yang menekankan peran imam sebagai pengajar utama, penyampaian teologi sakramen yang relevan dengan konteks umat, dan penjelasan tentang perlindungan rahasia peniten. Kontribusi penelitian ini memberikan panduan praktis bagi pendamping pastoral dalam meningkatkan antusiasme umat terhadap sakramen rekonsiliasi, sekaligus menambah wawasan akademis terkait pendekatan pastoral dalam <em>religious studies.</em></p> Agustinus Indra Copyright (c) 2024 Agustinus Indra Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Maintaining Order in Religious Worship <p>Sociological studies on religion have predominantly focused on macro-sociological approaches, emphasizing structural-functional aspects or conflicts. Consequently, these studies often center on religious movements or organizations and their roles in religious life, neglecting the dynamics of social interaction in everyday religious practices. Such dynamics illustrate how individuals and groups actively shape their religious experiences. However, a different perspective has been offered by Christopher M. Donnelly and Bradley R.E. Wright, who examine religion using a micro-sociological approach, specifically symbolic interactionism. Their study focuses on the dynamics of interruptions during Christian worship services and how congregants respond to such disturbances to uphold the proper conduct of worship. These responses aim to maintain a “self-image” and safeguard the church's reputation, as conceptualized by Erving Goffman. This review aims to inspire similar explorations in other religious contexts.</p> Mochamad Ziaul Haq, Paelani Setia Copyright (c) 2024 Mochamad Ziaul Haq, Paelani Setia Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Membangun Keseimbangan Antara yang Rohani dan yang Duniawi <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pentingnya pembinaan iman bagi Orang Muda Katolik (OMK) dalam menghadapi tantangan duniawi dan rohani, serta mengidentifikasi strategi untuk mencapai keseimbangan di antara keduanya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan mencakup pendekatan kualitatif yang melibatkan pengumpulan data melalui keterlibatan langsung dan wawancara pada Paroki Santo Matheus, Depok, Jawa Barat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa OMK sering mengalami ketegangan antara tuntutan duniawi dan rohani, yang memerlukan pembinaan iman yang kontekstual dan adaptif. Pendekatan holistik yang mencakup doa, refleksi pengalaman, dan pengembangan karakter telah efektif dalam membantu OMK menyeimbangkan kedua aspek tersebut. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi praktis bagi pendamping iman dalam mendukung pengembangan OMK, sekaligus menawarkan wawasan akademis untuk memperkuat studi pembinaan iman. Dengan pendekatan yang relevan dan kontekstual, penelitian ini mendukung peran OMK sebagai anggota aktif Gereja dan masyarakat di era modern.</p> Agustinus Damas Adi Sutrisno Copyright (c) 2024 Agustinus Damas Adi Sutrisno Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Karisma dalam Sejarah dan Ajaran Gereja Katolik <p>Artikel ini bertujuan menelusuri kelahiran dan perkembangan ‘karisma’ dalam sejarah Gereja Katolik. Melalui studi kepustakaan, peneliti menemukan bahwa Pauluslah yang pertama kali menciptakan term tersebut. Kata karisma digunakan Paulus untuk menyebut anugerah karunia Roh Kudus demi pembangunan jemaat. Menurut kesaksian para Bapa Gereja, karisma-karisma, baik yang biasa maupun yang spektakuler, menyertai para rasul dan pemimpin jemaat Gereja perdana. Namun jejak-jejak karisma tidak ditemukan lagi dalam tulisan-tulisan di atas abad IV. Antara masa tersebut sampai akhir abad XIX disebut oleh Gereja sebagai masa ketika karisma tidak menjadi topik yang terdepan dan terutama dalam kehidupan Gereja. Tetetapi tidak berarti karisma hilang begitu saja, Karisma masih lestari dalam bentuknya yang biasa demi kelangsungan hidup Gereja sehari-hari dan dalam bentuknya yang luar biasa dalam individu-individu tertentu.</p> Moses William Yuwono Copyright (c) 2024 Moses William Yuwono Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pemahaman dan Praktik Sakramen Pengurapan Orang Sakit di Rumah Sakit <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pemahaman teologis dan praktik Sakramen Pengurapan Orang Sakit dalam Gereja Katolik, dengan fokus pada penerapannya di lingkungan rumah sakit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan studi kasus di sebuah Rumah Sakit di Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat. Pengumpulan datanya melibatkan wawancara mendalam dengan pasien, keluarga mereka, dan petugas pastoral, serta analisis dokumen terkait. Temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sakramen Pengurapan Orang Sakit berperan penting sebagai sarana rahmat ilahi yang memberikan penghiburan, kekuatan spiritual, dan harapan bagi pasien, sekaligus memperkuat solidaritas komunitas iman. Selain itu, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi tantangan seperti kurangnya pemahaman akan makna sakramen ini dan keterbatasan tenaga pastoral dalam pelaksanaannya. Studi ini memberikan kontribusi dengan memperkaya pemahaman teologis dan praktis tentang Sakramen Pengurapan Orang Sakit serta menawarkan rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan implementasi sakramen ini di konteks pastoral, khususnya di rumah sakit.</p> Theodorus Agung Yogatama Copyright (c) 2024 Theodorus Agung Yogatama Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Relevance of John Paul II's Theology of the Body in Addressing the Crisis of Understanding Body and Sexuality in the Era of Social-Media <p>The digital era triggers an anthropology crisis of the body. This is marked by the emergence of views on the objectification of the body and the commodification of sexuality, where the human body is reduced to an object of consumption and exploitation. Phenomena such as pornography, body image culture, and unrealistic beauty standards obscure the spiritual meaning of the body as a divine creation. These issues lead to a degradation of understanding regarding the values of marriage, sexuality, and human relationships. This study aims to examine the relevance of John Paul II’s Theology of the Body as a solution to these phenomena. John Paul II's teachings, rooted in a profound reflection on the Scriptures, position the body as a medium for revealing love and self-giving. The body is not merely understood as a biological reality but also as a spiritual and transcendent dimension that reflects God's love. Through concepts such as the spousal meaning of the body and humanity’s call to live in purity of heart, the Theology of the Body offers a holistic and profound perspective on the body, sexuality, and human relationships. This study employs a literature review method, analyzing 129 catecheses of John Paul II alongside various modern social phenomena. The findings demonstrate that the Theology of the Body restores the dignity of the human body by opposing objectification and exploitation while promoting loving relationships that are dignified and sacred. By understanding the body as a sacrament of love that reflects the human identity as God’s image, John Paul II’s Theology of the Body serves not only as a theological solution but also as a practical response to social, cultural, and moral challenges in the modern era.</p> Paulinus Herlambang Prasetyo Copyright (c) 2024 Paulinus Herlambang Prasetyo Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Various Cultures and One Compassion: Study of the Principles of Unity of Candidates of Priests at Fermentum Major Seminary in Bandung, West Java <p>This research discusses the cultural differences of each candidates of priest at Fermentum Major Seminary. Cultural differences are a challenge for efforts to unify the vision with the Fermentum Major Seminary formation program. By using the unifying elements offered by the RFIS document, the candidates of priest create unity among community members with an attitude of ‘<em>Silih Asih</em>’. ‘<em>Silih Asih</em>’ is a Sundanese philosophy that continues to be lived by the people of West Java. This research uses empirical research methods, observations, a logical thinking framework which is manifested in a sequence of narratives, descriptions and analysis. This method is complemented by literature study. Empirical research was carried out using short interviews to find out valid data from each members regarding their place of origin and ethnicity, pastoral care together with the congregation. As a result, good and correct processing is needed in dealing with these differences. The element of unity offered by the Church’s document <em>Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis</em> (RFIS) and the Guidelines for the Formation of Candidates for Priests in the Bandung Diocese help the candidates of priest to find unity of vision with the seminary institution and the pastoral vision of the Bishop of Bandung. The development of an attitude of compassion must be carried out and lived by members at the Fermentum Major Seminary of the Bandung Diocese.</p> Fransiskus Felix, R.F. Bhanu Viktorahadi Copyright (c) 2024 Fransiskus Felix, R.F. Bhanu Viktorahadi Sat, 28 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700