An International Journal of Philosophy and Religion (MIJPR)2024-10-24T13:23:40+07:00Dr. Hadrianus Tedjoworo, S.Ag., Journal Systems<p>Print ISSN <strong>0852-0089 </strong>Online ISSN: <strong>2406-8098</strong></p> <p>MELINTAS An International Journal of Philosophy and Religion, is published thrice yearly by the Centre for Philosophy and Religious Studies (<a title="CPCReS" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">CPCReS</a>), Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia. MELINTAS has been <strong>internationally indexed</strong> by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>EBSCO</strong></a> since 2015 (</p> <p><em>'Melintas' is an Indonesian word, literally means "to move across" or "to pass over". The journal uses it in the sense of "moving across the border of horizons" and "passing over the limits of mind" so as to find ever new ideas and possibilities of understanding life and humankind.<br /></em></p> Disruptive Fluidity and Ubiquity: Creativity in the World of In-betweenness2024-10-24T12:34:39+07:00Yasraf A.<p>Fluidity and ubiquity are two fundamental principles of our contemporary world, representing new ways of perceiving, thinking, experiencing, organising, and creating various aspects of our present world. These principles have radically transformed models of economic exchanges, industrial production, social relations, cultural representations, and aesthetic expressions. Fluidity serves as a philosophical antithesis to the modern rigid, stratified, and binary worldview, celebrating a fluid, non-stratified, and non-binary perspective driven by dynamic flow, flux, and connectivity. On the other hand, ubiquity defines our present world of objects, which are created through augmented and mixed reality, giving them the property of being present anywhere and everywhere. Both fluidity and ubiquity serve as contemporary models for generating disruptive ideas, forms, styles, products, organisations, and systems. Fluidity represents the fluid-creative organisation of physical, social, cultural, and aesthetic elements, independent of binary structures, while ubiquity represents the transformation of objects from the virtual to the trans-material.</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Effectiveness of Improvisational Music Therapy on Emotion Regulation of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Randomised Controlled Trial2024-10-24T12:38:43+07:00Maria Tifani<p>Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) show deficits in social interaction and social communication. There are some physical and psychological problems. Some children with autism spectrum disorder exhibit difficulties in expressing their emotions. However, emotions play a crucial role in social interaction and communication. Various music therapy methods have been developed to support emotional expression in this population, one of which is improvisational music therapy. This study was aimed to know the effectiveness of improvisational music therapy for children who were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in terms of emotion regulation. The design of this research is a quantitative method using randomised controlled trials (RCT). Pre- and post-tests were used in this study. The tool of this research is the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). The result of this RCT maps the effectiveness of improvisational music therapy for emotion regulation. Improvisational music therapy can be used by children to express their emotions freely. This study demonstrates that participants were able to regulate their emotions and exhibited significant positive changes in perception building. The findings suggest that improvisational music therapy can be a valuable intervention for other populations experiencing difficulties with emotional regulation and a means to find connections between the mind and the events in the real world.</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Personality of Artificial Intelligence2024-10-24T12:44:23+07:00Tristam P. Batu Bornok<p>This paper examines the ontology of artificial intelligence (AI) within the context of contemporary society. With the rapid progression of technology, the definition of legal subjects has become increasingly ambiguous, as the technological landscape continues to evolve. The orthodox perspective fails to provide adequate solutions to this problem. An alternative approach, as put forth by Visa A.J. Kurki’s bundle theory offers a potential pathway, yet AI’s intrinsic nature surpasses the minimum thresholds defined by Kurki’s model. The authors propose a periscopic model that explores the interaction between the material world and the virtual or augmented sphere, often referred to as the metaverse. This article contends that the current philosophical foundation of law is both outdated and insufficient, primarily due to the shift from singular to plural forms of agency. AI has transitioned from being purely instrumental or intermediary, as observed in Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI), to autonomous decision-making entities, exemplified by Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Drawing on theoretical insights from Yuval Noah Harari, the paper underscores the need for a new conceptual framework to address AI’s lack of a material entity. In conclusion, the paper asserts that the recognition of AI as legal subjects is an inevitable development.</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 dan Algoritmanya: Sebuah Catatan Propadeutis tentang Rasionalitas Sakrifisial Penciptaan Nilai2024-10-24T12:49:55+07:00B. Haryo Tejo<p>The word ‘sacrifice’ is both admirable and repulsive. It can be a “desired value” or a “crime against humanity”. Unfortunately, our ancestors left sacrifice theories unresolved. This paper will demonstrate that analyzing and reinterpreting sacrifice texts and theories yields a “sacrificial algorithm.” This term ‘algorithm’ means methodological, not mechanical. This article delves into the economical logic behind sacrifice after examining different concepts and theories on the subject. To address this issue, this article proposes an alternative understanding of both sacrifice and the economy. A change in perspective on sacrifice allows people to recognize its capacity to generate inherent values. Sacrifice can be viewed as a rational response in an irrational world. This allows us to consistently return our lives and lived-experiences to the original meaning of sacrifice, <em>sacra facere</em>, to make something (or some act) sacred.</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Beragama sebagai Penghormatan pada Pluralitas Quidditas Manusia: Telaah Pemikiran Nicholas dari Cusa2024-10-24T13:04:55+07:00Januarius Martin<p>This article aims to explore Nicholas of Cusa’s views on religious tolerance based on a reading of his work <em>De Pace Fidei</em>. There are some of his ideas that might be useful in the context of religious tolerance. A dialogue among various religious beliefs is one way to find the common ground. For Nicholas, <em>ratio</em> is the way to unify diverse religions, because by nature humans have a desire to know truth, wisdom and God. He believes that the power of <em>ratio </em>is at the same time a belief in the universal grace of God. Nicholas concludes that the purpose of interreligious dialogue is to affirm “<em>uno religio in rituum varietate.</em>” People worship “the same God” in various rites, and different rites are tolerated because through them humans are active and creative in their ways to arrive at the Divine. The basis of Nicholas’ religious tolerance lies in respect to the plurality of unique individuals. He tolerates the plurality of religious rites to a certain degree insofar as they adhere to certain universal principles and live in harmony as expressions of belief in the “One” and bases such plurality on the ontological plurality of human beings.</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024, Koneksi-Diskoneksi, dan Hal-Hal yang Mempersulitnya2024-10-24T13:11:57+07:00Haryo Tejo<p>Book & Film Reviews is a column in "MELINTAS" containing reviews of books and films published recently that bring different interpretation and inspiration to the fields of philosophy and religion.</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 yang Tercecer dari Hannah Arendt2024-10-24T13:17:07+07:00Haryo Tejo<p>Book & Film Reviews is a column in "MELINTAS" containing reviews of books and films published recently that bring different interpretation and inspiration to the fields of philosophy and religion.</p>2024-10-24T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024