- A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Semua


Pranowo, Yogie, Postgraduate Student STF Driyarkara Jakarta
Pratama, Dominius Kristian, Member of Ordo Sanctae Crucis, Province "Sang Kristus", Indonesia
Pratama, Dominius Kristian, Graduate Student, Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Pribadi, Alexander Editya, Graduate Student, Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Priyambodo, Yulius Eko
Purwadi, Y. Slamet, Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University Bandung
Purwadi, Y. Slamet, Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Putranto, Eddy, Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Putranto, Hendar, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Tangerang
Putranto, I. Eddy, Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Putranto, I. Eddy, Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung


Rachmat, Agus, Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Rachmat, Agus, Department of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Rahayu, Ruth Indiah, Research Centre for Crisis and Alternative Development Strategies (INKRISPENA), Jakarta, Indonesia
Rebustillo, Rowan, KU Leuven, Belgium & Diocese of Sorsogon, Philippines
Redana, Bre, Wartawan Senior Harian KOMPAS
Riyanto, Thomas Galih Joko, Graduate Student of Theology, Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Riyanto, Armada, STFT Widya Sasana, Malang
Riyanto, FX. E. Armada, STFT Widya Sasana Malang, Indonesia
Rucitra, Maria Kirana
Runesi, Wilhelmus F. N.
Runesi, Wilhelmus F. N., Undergraduate Student of Philosophy, Widya Mandira Catholic University, Kupang, Indonesia
Runesi, Sintus T., Graduate Student of Philosophy University of Indonesia
Runesi, Yasintus


Saidi, Acep Iwan, Faculty of Art and Design, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

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