Veritas et Justitia: Announcements <p><em>Online</em> ISSN 2460-4488 - <em>Print</em> ISSN 2460-0555 </p> <p><strong>Veritas et Justitia is a periodical legal journal</strong>, managed and published under the auspices of the <strong>Faculty of Law, Parahyangan Catholic University</strong>. <strong>The first edition was published in June 2015</strong> and was meant to replace “Pro Justitia” a journal which ended its publication four years earlier.</p> <p><strong>Veritas et Justita</strong> is a media publishing articles on current national-international legal issues or legal research, written by legal academicians as well as legal practitioners. <strong>Veritas et Justitia </strong>is a member of <strong>Indonesian Law Journal Association (APJHI).</strong></p> <p><strong>Veritas et Justitia as a periodical (legal science) journal will be published twice a year, in June and December</strong>. Articles accepted and collated within one periodical will be published on line and can be fully accessed via the Journal’s website. Hard copy will be published at the end of each publication period. Articles published shall be fully considered the respective authors opinion and argumentation and consequently shall not be considered representative of the editorial board’s or the faculty’ opinion and beliefs.</p> <p>Manuscripts submitted and to be published covers the broad spectrum of law, i.e. <strong>Civil Law, Administrative Law, Indonesian Law, Business Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, International Law, Islamic Law, Legal Philosophy, Customary Law, Economic Law and Human Rights and Law.</strong></p> <p>All submitted articles shall never been published elsewhere, original and not under consideration for other publication. <strong>Veritas et Justitia </strong>will screen plagiarism with <strong>Turnitin Program.</strong></p> <p><strong>Authors submits their draft articles to the editorial board at no cost. No cost shall also be payable to the editorial board during the review process or for the publication.</strong></p> <p>Since December 2017, <strong>articles submitted shall be reviewed by two reviewers</strong>. Editor also added information about author’s affiliation. All process regarding online journal system shall be reviewed and improved from time to time.</p> <p>Since June 2016 we are a proud member of <strong>CROSSREF</strong>. <strong>Veritas et Justitia</strong> <strong>DOI</strong> <strong>prefix</strong> is <strong>10.25123</strong>. Therefore, all articles published by <strong>Veritas et Justitia</strong> will have unique<strong> DOI number</strong>.<strong> </strong></p> en-US