Factors Influencing Internet Addiction among Adolescents of Malaysia and Mongolia
This study was carried out to investigate the factors that might be influencing inter-
net addiction among adolescents of Mongolia and Malaysia. The major variables of
the study were Family Factors, Social Factors and Internet Addiction. The partici-
pants were 264 adolescents [123 of whom were Malaysians and 141 of whom were
Mongolians]. The study used structured online questionnaire. Internet addiction was
evaluated using IAT (Internet Addiction Test) standardized instrument.
Some factors had similar significant influence for both countries, but some
showed opposite outcomes for Mongolian and Malaysia Internet users. Family back-
ground had no significant influence on Internet addiction in both countries. On the
other hand, online friends, stress and loneliness had positive influences on Internet
addiction in both countries. Entertainment’s showed positive effect on Malaysian
population but had no significant influence on Mongolian adolescent. There are sim-
ilarities between the Internet users of the two countries; however, users demonstrate
some significant differences between the two countries.
The submitted article has never been previously publish in scientific journals, proceedings, or other electronic journals. The copyright of the accepted articles are belongs to Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB).