Implementasi Manajemen Kinerja Di Perum PHT
Perum PHT is a State Owned Enterprises which manages Production and Protected
Forests in Indonesia, especially in Java and Madura. The growing expectation on the
modern enterprise management, Perum PHT has been implementing Performance
Management. The purpose of this study to determine the extent of implementation of
performance management in Perum PHT. Data were collected through interviews
and participant observation.
The results of research in the form of this descriptive study concluded that the
implementation of performance management in Perum PHT has some shortcomings,
namely: Stages of management that is not fully implemented in accordance with, the
focus is still limited at this stage of the implementation of performance appraisal.
Socialization of performance management is not optimal so that an understanding
of employee Perum PHT on application performance management mash less.
To be successful in implementing performance management needs the support of
top management as well as a good example by doing all phases of the performance
management process and to improve the understanding of employees at all
levels of the performance management process. With the implementation of
performance management consistently, expected performance and contribution
to the effectiveness of individual employees to achieve company goals can be
planned, monitored, measured and evaluated the process of achievement, as well
as performed corrective actions when performance problems occur so that the
company’s goals can be achieved.
Keywords: Performance management, Implementation,
Perum PHT merupakan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang mengelola
kawasan Hutan Produksi dan Hutan Lindung di Indonesia khususnya Pulau Jawa dan
Madura. Dengan semakin berkembangnya tuntutan dalam pengelolaan perusahaan
modern, Perum PHT telah menerapkan Manajemen Kinerja. Tujuan penelitian ini
untuk mengetahui sampai sejauh mana penerapan manajemen kinerja pada Perum
PHT. Metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan obeservasi partisipan.
Hasil penelitian yang berbentuk studi deskriptif ini menyimpulkan bahwa
penerapan manajemen kinerja di Perum PHT masih memiliki kekurangan yaitu:
tahapan manajemen yang belum sepenuhnya dilaksanakan sesuai ketentuan, fokus
pelaksanaan masih terbatas pada tahapan penilaian kinerja. Sosialisasi manajemen
kinerja masih belum optimal sehingga pemahaman dari karyawan Perum PHT
terhadap penerapan manajemen kinerja mash kurang.
Untuk lebih berhasil dalam menerapkan manajemen kinerja perlu adanya dukungan
dari manajemen puncak serta contoh yang baik dengan melakukan seluruh tahapan
proses manajemen kinerja serta meningkatkan pemahaman karyawan di seluruh
level terhadap proses manajemen kinerja. Dengan diterapkannya manajemen kinerja
secara konsisten, diharapkan kinerja dan kontribusi individu karyawan terhadap
efektivitas pencapaian tujuan perusahaan dapat direncanakan, dimonitor, diukur
dan dievaluasi proses pencapaiannya, serta dilakukan tindakan-tindakan koreksi
bilamana terjadi permasalahan kinerja sehingga tujuan perusahaan dapat tercapai.
Kata kunci: Manajemen Kinerja, Implementasi, Tahapan
The submitted article has never been previously publish in scientific journals, proceedings, or other electronic journals. The copyright of the accepted articles are belongs to Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB).