Pengaruh Manfaat dan Kualitas Hubungan Relasional terhadap Hasil Pemasaran Relasional: Sebuah Studi terhadap Layanan Suratkabar
The importance of developing and maintaining enduring relationships with customers
of service businesses is generally accepted in the marketing literature. A key
challenge for researchers is to identify and understand how managerially controlled
antecedent variables influence important relationship marketing outcomes (e.g., customer
loyalty and word-of-mouth communication). Relational benefits, which have
a focus on the benefits consumers receive apart from the core service, and relationship
quality, which focuses on the overall nature of the relationship, represent two
approaches to understanding customer loyalty and word of mouth. This article integrates
these two concepts by positioning customer satisfaction and commitment as
relationship quality dimensions that partially mediate the relationship between three
relational benefits (confidence benefits, social benefits, and special treatment benefits)
and the two outcome variables. The results indicate that the concepts of customer satisfaction
and commitment serve to significantly contribute to relationship marketing
outcomes in services. On the other hand, the data does not approve that there is a
positive effect of relational benefits to loyalty.
Keywords: relational benefits, relationship quality, relationship marketing outcomes,
satisfaction, commitment, loyalty, word-of-mouth communication
The submitted article has never been previously publish in scientific journals, proceedings, or other electronic journals. The copyright of the accepted articles are belongs to Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB).