Evaluasi Kepuasan Pelayanan Publik Studi Kasus Pada PT. Jamsostek (Persero)
Increasing and maintaining a service quality are not an easy job, moreover if there
are involving some division in delivering the services. JPK programme, as one of the
public service programme in health, which are organized by PT jamsostek (Persero),
using the trhee party pattern which are involving three institution, such as Badan
Penyelenggara (PT Jamsostek), Provider (Health Care Organizer) dan Recipient (cor-
poration dan employee) as their customer. The three party pattern is a complex model
since each involved institutions have their own potential. Interaction among the three
institution will come out a potential side effect problem, which in the end affected
the quality of the delivered services. In evaluating the satisfaction of the delivered
services objectively, in tem of increasing and maintaining the services’ quality, then
the aim of this research.
Keywords: Program JPK, Tripartit, Evaluasi, Pengukuran, Kepuasan Konsumen
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