Respon Nasabah Terhadap Product Positioning Tabungan Bank KALBAR
Competition in saving account product is a great effect on the number of customer.A greater product values offered then a greater number of customers who are using
the services. Since positioning strategy describe a superior value, the positioning be-
comes an important determining aspect for a customer in deciding to use the services.
This study has an objectvie to evaluate customer perception on product positioning
of saving account in Bank KALBAR. Survey was conducted to 50 respondent of
TASERNA saving account and 50 respondent in SIMPEDA saving account. The
result showed that the SIMPEDA saving account is positioned as a saving account
with a good attribute, such as an appropriate administration fee and service qual-
ity. Meanwhile, the TASERNA saving account has a fair enough position in term
of provision’s simplicity, administration fee, interest rate, prizes offered, withdrawal
limitation, physical saving book, and ATM facility.
Keywords: product value, positioning, positioning strategy
The submitted article has never been previously publish in scientific journals, proceedings, or other electronic journals. The copyright of the accepted articles are belongs to Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB).