Analisis Kinerja Dana Bergulir PNPM Mandiri di Kecamatan Lubuk Begalung Kota Padang
This study is aimed at evaluating financial performance of micro and small en-terprises and social economic impact of government’s community-based poverty
alleviation program (PNPM Mandiri). Evaluation focuses on comparing the financial
ratios and social economic indicators before and after using of the revolving fund.
Improvement on these ratios and indicators is argued as one of indications for poverty
alleviation. Data were collected from owner of 80 micro and small enterprises in
8 Kelurahan. Based on Wilcoxon singed-rank test, the results are varies. There is
no significant difference in current ratio, quick ratio and return on equity of these
micro and small enterprises before and after using the revolving fund, while there is
significant difference in cash ratio, return on asset and net profit margin. Meanwhile
five out of six social economic indicators are significantly different.
Keywords: Financial performance, financial ratio, social economic impact, poverty
alleviation, PNPM Mandiri
The submitted article has never been previously publish in scientific journals, proceedings, or other electronic journals. The copyright of the accepted articles are belongs to Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis (JAB).