Beberapa Bentuk Hubungan Antara Franchisor (Pewaralaba) Dan Franchisee (Terwaralaba) Dalam Sistem Franchise (Waralaba)
Franchise is increasingly becoming an option for people who want to become anentrepreneur. Someone who has the capital to pay royalty fees and meet the re-
quirements specified by the franchisor thus he/she soon became a franchisee. He/she
can immediately run the business without necessary start a business from zero. In
franchise business, franchisee operation can not be separated from control by the
franchisor as the owner of the franchise because the franchisee is bound to what is
written on an agreement that has been made by the franchisor. In addition to the
formal relationship between franchisee and franchisor, there is also a non formal
relationship between franchisee and franchisor. It can not be avoided because the
franchise system included in the model of agency theory and the franchisee to be
successful so the closer relationship between the franchisee and the franchisor must
be achieved in the form of trust.
Keywords: Franchise, franchisor, franchisee, relationship, business
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