Dukungan Gereja bagi Kaum Difabel dan Inspirasi Teologi Inkarnasi Jean Vanier
different abilities, disabled persons, Church solidarity, incarnation theology, human rightsAbstract
There are many people with different abilities who live in injustice. In Indonesia, during the COVID-19 pandemic acts of violence and exploitation have been reported by Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (KPPPA) stating 110 cases of violence against children with different abilities. KPPPA mentions several types of vulnerabilities experienced by children during the Covid-19 pandemic. Children who lost their parents because of Covid-19 have been exploited by their families for economic benefits. Other cases surface from the stigma that being different they are vulnerable to being scolded or treated with violence and mislabeled as second-class persons. Injustice is also caused by the lack of opportunities and knowledge in the society. The Church respects human dignity based on the Creation in the Scriptures, when “God saw everything that He had made and it was very good” (Gen.1:31). Jean Vanier in his theology of incarnation says that in their weakness, people with different abilities receive the grace of God’s presence. The Church affirms to protect them and to prohibit others patronising those with “different abilities” as well as invites everyone to care by recognising human rights and dignity.
Copyright (c) 2022 Alexander Editya Pribadi
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