Vol. 24 No. 3 (2008)

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In the age of transition from modern to postmodern paradigm  today, the intersection between science, culture and religion  is  crucial. Lots of criticism have been leveled  at science, be it in terms of  ideology, epistemology or methodology. Notwithstanding the criticism, however, science is by no means passé. Along with technology as its material embodiment science in fact retains, and justifies, its central position in today’s human world.  The problem is just that -as the consequence of  the criticism- science should  take into account  different forms of life or different  epistemic possibilities offered by  other kinds of knowledge rooted in various cultures.  This, in turn, requires a discreet analysis on the possible interconnection between science and cultural epistemology. 

That said, the so called ‘culture’ is itself problematic. In most cases culture is inseparable from religion  as its  source.  It is also the resurgence of religion that, among other factors,  has raised up the sensitivity to cultural issues these days. Thus epistemological problems refers ultimately also to the position of  religion as the source of knowledge and value orientation. Melintas of this issue discusses  the complexity of the interconnection between science, knowledge, culture and religion.


Published: 2008-12-29