Vol. 34 No. 3 (2018)

					View Vol. 34 No. 3 (2018)

We are learning seriously about things that matter to us. For not everything matters, and human beings will not learn about anything. Our humanity leads us towards some purposes that can be seen only by each of us, and this path brings enjoyment. It is remarkable to see how children can learn so much by playing, as if there is no other way of learning. It might be hilarious as well, if only we, adults, can see learning and playing as two sides of the same coin. An interplay between our experience and our knowledge was once associated with the so-called reflexive learning – a serious ‘game’ of mind, if you like.

The business of learning about our being human in the world can lead to further moral and theological reflections. In this edition of Melintas we will find some authors who are seeing reasons and purposes that have moved different people towards different paths of life. The first author sees how philosophy-learning is an integral part of the educational formation at the Faculty of Theology, Sanata Dharma University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It is integrated with theology and other sciences-learning to shape the identity of the faculty and to contribute to the development of the community. The second author shifts the focus from the study of knowledge to the study of human self-interest according to St. Augustine and Thomas Hobbes. While Augustine believes that self-interest is a dark act rooted in self-love and must be subjugated to the absolute God, Hobbes sees that the natural state of human beings is in war with each other and harmony can be established by a sovereign ruler. The third author reflects on death and eternal life theologically in face of the fact that most Christians still find it hard to accept death as part of their life. The article attempts to explore some biblical, philosophical, and theological perspectives on the subject matters. The fourth author explores part of the Eucharist in relation to the priest’s role in the Catholic ritual and explains how Christ's presence in the Liturgy of the Word is marked symbolically with the book of Evangeliary and with the act of proclaiming the Gospel. The fifth author reflects on the intellectual formation of priest candidates in the Catholic Church and how studying philosophy, theology, and humanities underlies the call towards discipleship and witness.

Learning about our humanity and our purpose in life can be done on different paths, but it should bring delight and playfulness. We need not exaggerate our approach in learning, for we only see something seriously when it matters to us. In fact, we should enjoy our knowledge. Hope you know how.


Published: 2019-08-29