
  • Andrew Susanto Trisakti University
  • Kurniawati Kurniawati Universitas Trisakti Indonesia
  • Meisya Putri Utami Universitas Trisakti Indonesia
  • Carissa Aprilia Zahrah Universitas Trisakti Indonesia
  • Delonix Agung Universitas Trisakti Indonesia



transformational leadership; integrative leadership, transactional leadership, psychological empowerment, task performance


Psychological empowerment is one of the empowerment mechanisms that can influence employee attitudes at the individual and team levels. Employee empowerment also helps employees to increase participation more effectively and make things run well in accordance with company goals. Psychologically empowered employees will perceive work as important which can lead to higher job satisfaction. The leadership style that refers to psychological empowerment tends to create high creativity with a sense of commitment that continues to motivate employees to develop skills and knowledge for their performance. The purpose of this study was to improve in testing the role of psychological empowerment on leadership style and task performance of BUMN banks employees. This study uses primary data in the form of filling out questionnaires by 188 employees of BUMN banks as respondents. Collecting of samples using purposive sampling technique because it is based on certain criteria. The data processing method uses the SEM software program.


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