Optimalisasi Pendapatan Daerah di Era Otonomi dan Munculnya Perda-perda Bermasalah


  • Maria Rosarie Harni Triastuti


Autonomy and fiscal decentralization have an impact to local governments in creating and improving their autonomy to increase their revenue. In many cases, many regional by-laws connected with local tax and local retribution have potential proble to the investment in local territories. Hundreds of regional by-laws have trouble in any way. To deal with this problem, the central government makes a new rule of fiscal autonomy to optimize local revenue. Autonomy doesn't mean being free to do, tho think and to make a rule, but how to increase local capacity without making any problems to their district.

Keywords: fiscal autonomy, problematic regional by-laws, new rule of policy

Biografi Penulis

Maria Rosarie Harni Triastuti

Dosen tetap Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung.
