Author Guidelines
Author or writer’s guidelines and procedure for submitting draft articles are, as follows:
The maximum number of writers in one manuscript is 4 (four) people.
Draft articles submitted should be scientific articles never been published before in any form of media and should not be the result of plagiarism.
Draft articles may be written using the Indonesian or English language, comprising of 20-25 pages (6000-7000 words, including bibliography), written on A4/kuarto (paper size), using font Cambria (12 pt), 1.5 spacing and 3 cm for left, right, bottom and top margin.
Draft articles should be written in journal format, comprising of (template):
- Title of article
- Author’s name and e-mail address
- Abstract;
- Keywords;
- Introduction
- Analysis (chapters and sub-chapters)
- Conclusion or concluding remarks, and
- list of references or bibliography
Title’s articles should be written in the Indonesian and English language. Title should be specific and direct and comprehensively describing the article’s content. Title should not exceed 12 words (if using the Indonesian language) or 10 words (in case of written in English).
Abstract should be an excerpt of the articles’ content, specifically delineating purpose, research method and result of analysis (research). It should be written in English as well as Indonesian and comprehensively representing the essence of the article. Abstract should be written using Cambria (font, 10 pt) and single spacing. Maximum words for abstract is 250.
Keywords chosen should be written in Indonesian and English, compiled in order of its importance and amounting to 5 words/frases.
Footnote should be written using cambria (font, 8 pt, single spacing). Margins or space between each footnote is 0 pt.
Referencing and quoting should be using the footnotes as method. Referencing should be performed following the below outlined guidelines:
- non-periodical publications
author(s), title of pages or chapters referred, edition, publisher, publication year
Sidharta, Moralitas Profesi Hukum: Suatu Tawaran Kerangka Berpikir 34, Relika Aditama, Bandung, 2006.
- periodical publications
Author(s), Article’s title, Volume number, Journal’s name or its abbreviation, ended with punctuation, followed by information about pages, page quoted, publication year.
Robert S. Summers, Two Types of Substantive Reasons: The Core of a Theory of Common-Law Justification, Cornell Law Review Vol. 63, 1978, hlm. 707, 710.
- unpublished references
Forum’s name or title, Name of organizers, location, date of meeting (forum), unpublished.
Simposium, DemokratisasiPada Era Reformasi, YayasanMadani, Bandung, 29 Februari 2009, tidak dipublikasi.
- On line referrences
Author, article’s title or source: http
Stanley Kubrick, Biography,
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada, Rules of War and Arms Control: A Short History of SALW international and Domestic Constraints,, diakses 9 April, 2008.
- Primary legal sources:
Specification of legal regulation, Number, Year, Title, Abbreviation, and Placement in State Gazette: year and number, Article and Paragraph (quoted)
Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1999 tentang Larangan Praktik Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat, L.N.R.I. Tahun 1999 No. 33, Pasal 15 ayat (1).
- International Primary Legal Source
Treaty’s Official Title, name of parties in case of bilateral treaties, article, date of signature, and source
Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, U.S. – Japan, art. X, April 2, 1953, 4 U.S.T. 2063.
Citation guidelines (short version) uses Id. And Supra as follows
a) Id. abbreviation of Ibidem
- Niken, HAM Perempuan Kritik Teori Hukum Feminis Terhadap KUHP, Relika Aditama, Bandung, 2008, hlm. 25.
- Elly Erawaty, Pedoman Penulisan Esai Akademik Bagi Mahasiswa Ilmu Hukum, Relika Aditama, Bandung, 2012, hlm. 120.
- Id.
b) supra is used to refer to earlier footnotes, but has been interspersed by one or more different notes (references)
- Elly Erawaty, Pedoman Penulisan Esai Akademik Bagi Mahasiswa Ilmu Hukum, Relika Aditama, Bandung, 2012, hlm. 120.
- Niken Savitri, HAM Perempuan Kritik Teori Hukum Feminis Terhadap KUHP, Relika Aditama, Bandung, 2008, hlm. 20.
- Subekti, Hukum Perjanjian, Intermasa, Jakarta, 1978, hlm. 68.
- Id.
- Bayu Seto, Dasar-Dasar Hukum Perdata Internasional, Buku Kesatu, Citra Aditya Bakti, Bandung, 2001, hlm. 45.
- Niken Savitri, supra no. 2, hlm. 65 atau supra note 2, hlm. 65.
- Bayu Seto, supra no 5, hlm. 77 atau supra note 5, hlm. 77.
- Id.
Bibligraphy should be written based on the priority of references as follows:
a) Books, Published or Unpublised, e-books
b) Articles in Journals, Magazines and Newspapers
c) unpublished references
d) references in CD-ROM, database, etc
e) Web documents and references taken from the internet (online)
f) References such as primary legal sources: legislation, court judgments, international treaties and the like.
g) References in the form of microforms, audiovisual format and the like
Bibliography should be written according to placement priority and be arranged in an alphabetical order (a-z) following guidelines below:
a) author’s name without academic titles
b) For Indonesian author or foreign authors not having a family name, the first name should be written as it is. Family name should not have to be written first before surname.
c) In any case that reference should take space more than one line, then the second line should indented, following the distance of the previous paragraphs.
Drafts should be uploaded through the Online Journal System -- SUBMISSION
The board of editors may select and edit drafts submitted.
Authors shall be informed about the Editorial Boards decision either to accept or rejects draft articles submitted.
Publication of articles shall be based on substance evaluation and time order articles has been submitted to the Editorial Board. The author(s) shall be fully responsible for the article’s content and opinions expressed thereof.
The Editorial Board retains the right to edit the manuscript for consistency and formatting while ensuring the original substance remains unchanged.
Draft submitted shall not be returned.