Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional publishes research articles on the field of International Relations. We invite original works from all methodological approaches in the major subfields of International Relations, including foreign policy, conflict resolution, security issues, international political economy, regionalism, gender, international organization, diplomacy, environmental issues, and media. JIHI aims to explore contemporary issues and perspectives in the field of International Relations.

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to JIHI will go through several processes to ensure that every manuscript has a good quality and can contribute to knowledge development. The review process of JIHI will be reviewed using the double blind review process to make sure that objectivity is maintained in JIHI.

  1. Author will submit a manuscript, including all the information that is needed.
  2. The Editor in Chief will conduct initial review and examination regarding several points such as, (1) Contents of the manuscript; (2) Conformity with focus and scope; (3) Conformity with author guidelines.
  3. After a decision is made by the Editor in Chief, the Editorial Team will undergo plagiarism checks regarding similarity of the content of the manuscript through Turnitin.
  4. Review process : if the manuscript has passed the plagiarism check, the Editorial Team will assign each manuscript with 2 reviewers based on expertise and specialty. The review process will be done through double-blind review process. There are several decisions that reviewer can give after the review process :
    1. 20-25 without point < 3 : can be published without revision (accept submission)
    2. 20-25 with point < 3 : can be published with minor revision (revisions required)
    3. 11-19 : can be published with major revision (resubmit for review)
    4. 0-10 : can’t be published (resubmit elsewhere or decline submission)
  5. After undergoing the review process, the author will have a 2 weeks chance to do some revision in regards to the review result from reviewers.
  6. Copyedit manuscript : manuscript that has been revised by the author will undergo copyedit manuscript by the Editorial Team in 1 week.
  7. Layout edit manuscript : manuscript that has been copyedited by the Editorial Team will undergo layout edit manuscript process in 1 week by layouter.
  8. After the layout edit is done, the author will get a chance to check the final manuscript in 3 days.
  9. The final manuscript that has been undergo all the process, the Editorial Team will proceed the manuscript for online publication in Open Journal System and printed.

Review Form

Publication Frequency

Jurnal Ilmiah Hubungan Internasional (JIHI) is peer-reviewed biannually that publishes 2 numbers for 1 volume each year, that are every March to May and September to November. Furthermore, JIHI also sometimes publishes a necessary special volume regarding one specific issue that has been an urgent issue in the international system in the Open Journal System.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. As a journal that provides open access policy, all the content in JIHI is freely available without any charge to every user and institutions. All users and or institution are freely allowed to read, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full text articles in this journal without asking prior permission from JIHI. This open access policy is based on Budapest Open Access Initiative.

Publication Fee

JIHI does not charge authors any fee for submitting, processing and publishing articles. All processes of the article publication are free of charge. 


This journal expects the authors to read and understand our ethics policy before submitting the articles. This is in accordance with our commitment to the prevention of ethical misconduct, which we recognise to be a growing problem in academic and scientific publications. The Editorial Board will not tolerate any plagiarism from the submitted manuscripts and Turnitin plagiarism checker is used to check and evaluate the similarity index of each article. If editorial boards find any plagiarism from the manuscripts, the manuscripts will be suspended. Here are some detail actions passed by the Editorial board :

  1. A similarity index above 30%: articles with similarity index above 30% will be rejected by JIHI due to poor paraphrasing if the author refuses and/or fails to revise the article.
  2. A similarity index within 10-30%: articles with similarity index within 10-30% will be sent to the author for revision and improvement with a proper paraphrasing.
  3. A similarity index below 10%: articles with similarity index below 10% will be accepted and proceed to the next process : review process.

Even though the articles in the second and third case will be accepted, there is still a need for a very careful revision of the article from the authors.