
  • aan budhi willyana BPS Provinsi Sumatera Utara
  • Erwin Tanur Pusdiklat, Badan Pusat Statistik




economic performance, GDRP per capita, spatial econometric, internet access, Sumatera


Mastery of information technology and improvement of human quality is one of the efforts to increase economic output in a region. This study aims to see the effect of information technology on the performance of economic's achievement in Sumatera with the quality of population as a variable control, as well as the possibility of spatial effects between regions in it. The analysis uses panel data covering 154 districts/cities in Sumatera from 2011-2021. Scatterplot analysis and correlation matrix show a positive and strong correlation between the variables of information technology and HDI on economic performance. The results of the Global Moran and Local Moran tests also show a significant spatial effect in terms of the use of information technology and the GRDP per capita of districts/cities in Sumatera. In addition, hot-spots (high-high clusters), cold-spots (low-low clusters), and spatial outliers are formed and show a persistent pattern in 2011 and 2021. The spatial and nonspatial economic performance modeling also shows that computer use is a vital factor affecting regional performance in Sumatera. The spills-over effect that causes positive spatial interactions also indicates that economic progress in an area will affect economic progress in adjacent areas.



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