Donald Trump dan Reorientasi Kebijakan Keamanan Amerika Serikat Terhadap Program Pengembangan Senjata Nuklir Korea Utara.
This research attempts to identify some of the trends in changing the orientation of Donald Trump's and United States security policies toward North Korea's nuclear weapons development program. The identification begins with an explanation of some of the strategic and policy options that have been done and have not yet by the United States in an effort to stop nuclear tensions in the East Asian region. After describing some of the policy options for Donald Trump, this study will predict the right security policy in the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. The Trump policy is expected to show greater urgency than the previous United States presidential policy. Based on the assumption, through "Maximum Pressure and Engagement" strategy, Trump tries to combine diplomatic rhetoric, sanctions, and negotiations. This strategy is expected to be effective in forcing Pyongyang to choose between nuclear weapons development or its survival as a country.
Keywords: Security Policy, Nuclear Weapons, Maximum Pressure, And Engagement Strategy.
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Artikel Jurnal dan Laporan Penelitian:
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• Marc Lanteigne, A Pivot to What? Asia-Pacific Foreign Policy under Trump policy brief, norwegian institute of international affairs. september 2016,
• Pinkston, D.A., ‘North Korea’s Foreign Policy Towards the United States,’ Strategic Insights, vol. 5, no. 7, September 2006.
• J. D. Pollack, Donald Trump and the Future of U.S. Leadership: Some Observations on International Order, East Asia, and the Korean Peninsula. Februari 2017.
• E. J.R. Revere, 2017: Year of Decision on the Korean Peninsula. Makalah di presentasikan pada 5th Korea Research Institute for National Strategy-Brookings Institution Joint Conference dengan tema The Trump Administration in the United States and the Future of East Asia and the Korean Peninsula pada 17 Februari 2017.
• Wit, Joel S, The Way Ahead: North Korea Policy Recommendations for the Trump Administration, US Korea Institute At Sais, December 2016.
• Overhaus, Marco dan Brozus, Lars, US Foreign Policy after the 2016 Elections, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, July 2016.
• Markus Liegl, The End of Illusions Trump's North Korea Options, Security Policy Working Paper, No. 5/2017.
Artikel Daring:
• E. J.R. Revere, Brookings, diakses pada 15 September 2016.
• Max Fisher, ‘What Is Donald Trump’s Foreign Policy?’ The New York Times, diakses pada 11 November 2016.
• The Telegraph, North Korea offers to stop nuclear tests in exchange for peace treaty, diakses pada 16 Maret 2017.
• The New York Times, “Transcript: Donald Trump Expounds on His Foreign Policy Views”, di akses pada 29 April 2016.
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