
The resurgence of religion, although to some extent may be a blessing and even a sort of solution to the spiritual problems of the new millennium, more often than not is itself   problematic. The institutional and communal traits of religions, their claims to being the possessors of  the truth, their other-worldly character, the difficulty of religions to cope with pluralism, among other things, epitomize the causes of serious problems today. While ad intra these things are becoming more and more subject to different interpretations, hence debatable,  ad extra  they are problematic in terms of their relations with other religions, cultures, technology , morality, and environment. It seems that changes in the way we perceive the basic elements of religion are inevitable. Religions have to change their ways of looking at themselves and at others, as well as to reformulate their viewpoints on truth, morality, technology and environment. Melintas of this issue discusses some of these current problems.


Diterbitkan: 2014-07-21