Pengaruh Reference Group Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Telepon Pintar di Kota Bandung




Social factor is one of the factors that greatly influence the purchase of smart phones. One social factor that influences a person in making smartphone purchases is the existence of recommendations that can be part of a reference group or reference group that has significant relevance to one's evaluation, aspirations, or behavior. This is something that companies and marketers of the smartphone industry should realize by looking at the effect of reference groups on smartphone purchase decisions. On this study, linear regression is used on this research methodology. This method is used to see the influence between the independent variables i.e. informational influence (X1), utilitarian influence (X2), and value-expressive influence (X3) against the dependent variable i.e. purchase decision (Y). The result is an independent variable Informational Influence (X1) that most influenced the purchasing decision, the magnitude of variable X influence over the Y variable by 11.4% positively, and there are significant differences between X1variables against age characteristics, variable X2to gender, and X3variables against gender and operating system characteristics.

Keywords: Smartphone, Consumer Behavior, Reference Group, Purchased Decision


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