Author Guidelines
Publication Ethics
Draft articles submitted should be scientific articles never been published before in any form of media and should not be the result of plagiarism (see Publication Ethics and Plagiarism & Retraction Policy).
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Article Preparation
Draft articles should be:
- Written in Microsoft Word.
- Using the Indonesian or English language.
- Comprising of 6-15 pages (3000 - 5000 words, including bibliography).
- Written on A4 standard paper size (width: 210 mm and height: 297 mm).
- Using font Arial (10 pt.), 1.15 spacing and 35 mm for left, 20 mm for right, bottom, and top margin.
- Written in two columns (width: 73.7 mm and spacing: 7.5 mm).
- Title of article
Title should be specific and direct and comprehensively describing the article’s content. Title should not exceed 12 words (if using the Indonesian language) or 10 words (in case of written in English).
- Author’s name and affiliation
Author’s name and affiliation contain the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author, the authors’ affiliation, the full postal address of each affiliation (including the country name), the e-mail address of each author. Indicate all affiliations with lower-case superscripts letter after the author’s name and in front of the appropriate address.
- Abstract in English and Bahasa Indonesia
Abstract should be an excerpt of the articles’ content, specifically delineating purpose, research method and result of analysis (research). It should be written in English as well as Indonesian and comprehensively representing the essence of the article. Abstract should be written using Arial 9pt and 7.5mm spacing. The number of words for abstract is 150-250 each for English and Indonesia language.
- Keywords in English and Bahasa Indonesia
Keywords chosen should be written in Indonesian and English, compiled alphabetically and amounting to 5 words/phrases.
- Introduction (Pendahuluan)
Introduction describes the adequate background of the study, the state of the art (previous studies of the subject), the research gap and position of the work, the objectives of the work. Avoid a detailed literature review or a summary of the results.
- Methodology (Metodologi)
Methodology provides the theoretical framework / the model development, the research procedure (such as the instrument development, the data collection) that depends on the research strategy (such as the experiment, the case study, the survey).
- Results and Discussions (Hasil dan Diskusi)
This section consists of the information how the collected data is analysed, the findings (present them in tables or figures), the explanation of the findings, followed by the comparison of the findings with the hypothesis and the previous studies. The practical and theoretical implications of the study are written in this section.
- Conclusions (Kesimpulan)
The conclusion section provides the concise statements that are supported by the findings and linked to the objective of the study. This section also provides the further research.
- References (Daftar Pustaka)
List all references that were cited in the article. Every citation in the text must match up to an entry in the reference list and vice-versa. Referencing and quoting should be listed alphabetically from the last (family) name of the authors. Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri uses the Harvard (APA) reference system as a reference style.
Citation in text
- Use the last name of author and year of publication: Sekaran (2010) or (Sekaran, 2010).
- Only two authors can be cited as Suryadi & Fransicus (2011) or (Suryadi & Fransiscus, 2011).
- When there are more than two co-authors of a cited paper, use the abbreviation “et al.”: Aritonang et al. (2007) or (Aritonang et al., 2007).
List of references
- Journal
Aritonang, Y. K., Wibisono, Y. Y., & Wibisono, E. Y. (2007). Usaha Penurunan Persentase Cacat Ring Piston Tipe 4JA1 pada Proses Habanakashi Mesin Besly. Jurnal Teknik Industri, 9(1), 48-55.
Suryadi, D., & Fransiscus, H. (2011). Viral Systems for the Quadratic Assignment Problem. International Journal of Information Systems for Logistics and Management, 7, 31-37.
- Textbook
Sekaran, U. (2010). Research Methods for Business (5th ed.). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
- Online references
Garret, R., Design for Assembly, [Online], Diakses dari: [2001, 5 Mei].
- Acknowledgement (Ucapan Terima Kasih)
This section presents the list of funding sources of the research. Please write detail grants number and year.
Manuscript template
Please download Article Template on Website or Article Template on Google Drive
Author should submit articles to the journal online by following instructions on the home page of the website Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri at
All manuscript will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal. The suitable manuscript is sent to two independent expert reviewers to evaluate the scientific quality of the manuscripts. JRSI-UNPAR operates a double-blind review process.
Revised manuscript
Authors must revise their manuscript according to editor’s and reviewer’s comments and submit the revised manuscript to the journal online. Note: please do not make a new submission for the revised manuscript.
Response to reviewers
When submitting revisions, submit a response to reviewers’ form that include detailed point-by-pint responses to editor’s and reviewer’s comments. Please download Tabel Revisi. Authors must submit the Tabel Revisi together with the revised manuscript.