About the Journal

FOCUS is an open access journal covering multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and trans-disciplinary studies of religion in the field of contemporary transformative theology. However, the scope of theological perspective also includes studies related to aspects of aspects of spirituality, philosophy, religion, psychology, sociology, arts and culture which have a research focus to make a scientific contribution in answering contemporary multi-religious and multi-cultural humanitarian issues.

FOCUS was published for the first time in print in mid-1988. This period was the fifth year since the change of the Suryagung Bumi College of Philosophy and Theology (STFT) into the Faculty of Philosophy, Parahyangan Catholic University (FF UNPAR) Bandung on October 19, 1983. The presence of the FOCUS became It was important for this period that FF UNPAR Bandung received recognition of the status of ‘Recognized’ from the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia on September 6, 1989. Furthermore, the presence of the FOCUS proved to be helpful for FF UNPAR not only to maintain this status. Moreover, the presence of FOCUS even helped FF UNPAR obtain the status of 'Accredited by BAN-PT' on March 30, 1999. This status made FF UNPAR an 'Accredited' institution with the Philosophy Study Program - Philosophy of Religion.

After several years of surviving this journal experienced a period of vacuum. It happened in the period 2009-2019. Since the establishment of the Center for Philosophy, Culture, and Religious Studies (CPCReS) at the Faculty of Philosophy UNPAR, the FOCUS Journal has been revived. In mid-2020 the Chair of the Study Center appointed R.F. Bhanu Viktorahadi Pr. together with a number of lecturers and students to revive this journal. In June 2020 FOCUS was republished starting from Volume 1 Number 1 of 2020. 

Since its revival, FOCUS has continued to be published twice a year in an orderly and regular manner. Starting from Volume 1 (2020), FOCUS will publish two editions/numbers annually (April-June & October-December) and immediately publish articles online upon final acceptance, making journal content more quickly available to academics, policymakers, and practitioners.  The review process in the publication of this journal article uses a double-blind review. This work is licensed under a Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)

E-ISSN 2723-3855 | P-ISSN 2722-6336
ACCREDITATION NUMBER: 0826/E5.3/HM.01.00/2023  (SINTA 4)