Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Focus

					View Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024): Focus

FOCUS Vol. 5 No. 2 (2024) explores the interplay between tradition, modernity, and pastoral challenges within the Catholic Church and broader religious contexts. This edition highlights discussions on fostering a more hospitable Church through the ecclesiological perspectives of Bernard Lonergan and Peter C. Phan, addressing the relevance of reconciliation sacraments in modern times, and maintaining order in religious worship from Goffman’s viewpoint. Holistic approaches to guiding Catholic youth in balancing spiritual and worldly life, the historical and doctrinal significance of charisma in the Church, and the understanding and practice of the anointing of the sick in hospitals provide practical insights. Articles also examine John Paul II’s Theology of the Body in navigating contemporary crises of body and sexuality, alongside a study of cultural unity and compassion among priest candidates at Fermentum Major Seminary, underscoring the importance of inclusivity and adaptability in nurturing faith communities.

Published: 2024-10-31