Penghormatan Ze Hai Zhen Ren - Dewa Tionghoa Di Tekhai Bio
cult, Zehai zhenren, TionghoaAbstract
The events of 1740 in Batavia brought the Chinese community into a new phase. One of the new chapters that has never been studied is the birth of local gods who are worshiped in various temples. The gods were none other than the Chinese folk he- roes who fought against the Dutch colonialism. Among them are Yiyong gong (義勇公) which is worshiped in the city of Lasem and Zehai zhenren (澤海真人) in various cities in Central Java, such as in the cities of Tegal, Semarang and Pekalongan. The cult of Zehai zenren is wider than the cult of Yiyonggong, even in some circles the Javanese community also respects the figure of Zehai zenren. Zehai zenren can be respected among the Javanese people, especially those who become fishermen because they believe that Zehai zenren is the ‘god’ protecting sailors and traders. In addition to its distribution in Central Java, it turned out that based on field research, it was found that there were Chinese people living in the West Java area who worshiped Zehai zenren as their patron god. That there are local Chinese heroes who can be worshiped whose distribution is wider than the local Chinese Indonesian gods deserves to be investigated. It should also be noted that Zehai zhenren's ‘bodyguards’ are Javanese. Belief in Zehai zhenren that transcends ethnic boundaries can occur because of the closeness of the belief system of the people of Central Java or known as Kejawen with the Chinese belief system. His beliefs are inclusive, build harmony and respect for people who are worthy of respect.
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C.K. Yang, Religion in Chinese Society. A Study of Contemporary Social Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors, (Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1967), 29.
Jean deBenardi, The Way That Lives in The Heart: Chinese Popular Religion and Spirit Mediums in Penang, Malaysia, (California : Stanford University Press, 2006), 17.
C.K. Yang, Religion in Chinese Society, 296. 25(美) K. Jordan, David (焦大偉).神·鬼祖 先:一個台灣鄉村的民間信仰(丁仁傑翻 譯).台北:聯經出版事業股份有限公司, 2012, 41.
陳支平&徐泓(主編). 閩南宗教. 福建:福建 人民出版社, 2007, 17: 作為中國土生土長的 傳統宗教,道教具有鮮明的民族文化特征。 27(美) K. Jordan, David (焦大偉).神·鬼祖 先:一個台灣鄉村的民間信仰(丁仁傑翻 譯).台北:聯經出版事業股份有限公司, 2012, 42.
郭淑云&王宏剛 (主編). 活著的薩滿-中 國薩滿教. 沈陽:遼寧出版社, 2001, 1: 薩 滿教是氏族文化的精神內核。它所弘揚和體 現的氏族至上的集體主義精神.
Liem Thian Joe, Riwajat Semarang, 25. 30浴竟更衣,赴海而行,瞬息不見... 華 人以為神,私謚澤海真人,立祠以祀焉.
張興發.道教神仙信仰.北京:中國社會科學 出版社, 2001, 208.
何華章.圖解周易大全.陝西:陜西師範大 學出版社, 2007, 382-383.
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A. Robert Baron and Don Bryne, Psikologi Sosial, Ratna Juwita (Tr.), (Jakarta: Penerbit Airlangga, 2003), 81.
Robert W. Crapps, Dialog Psikologi dan Agama – sejak William James hingga Gordon W. Allport, (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius, 1993), 16.
Jean deBenardi, The Way That Lives in The Heart, 20.
Clifford Geertz, Abangan, Santri, Priyayi dalam Masyarakat Jawa, (Jakarta: PT Dunia Pustaka, 1981), 490.
Clifford Geertz, Abangan, Santri, Priyayi dalam Masyarakat Jawa, 13.
Jean deBenardi, The Way That Lives in The Heart, 20.

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