
  • Dyan F. D. Sitanggang




The World Trade Organization (WTO) as the sole universal organization managing global trade between member-states has develop a dispute settlement mechanism to deal with disagreement related to the interpretation and/or implementation of reciprocal rights and duties in the economic field. However, the effectiveness of this system hinges on compliance of states to decisions reached.  Compliance in its turn are influenced by how parties to a dispute value the justness or equity of the final settlement.  This paper discusses WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) and how Indonesia perceived and utilizes this forum to further its national interest.


Daftar Pustaka

Dokumen WTO:

Appellate Body Report, Canada – Measures Affecting the Export of Civilian Aircraft, WT/DS70/AB/R, adopted 20 August 1999, DSR 1999:IV.

Panel Report, Indonesia – Certain Measures Affecting the Automobile Industry, WT/DS54/R, WT/DS55/R, WT/DS59/R, WT/DS64/R and Corr.1 and Corr.2, adopted 23 July 1998, and Corr.3 and Corr.4, DSR 1998:VI.

Panel Report, Korea – AntiDumping Duties on Imports of Certain Paper from Indonesia, WT/DS312/R, adopted 28 November 2005, DSR 2005:XXII, hlm. 10637; Panel Report, Korea – AntiDumping Duties on Imports of Certain Paper from Indonesia – Recourse to Article 21.5 of the DSU by Indonesia, WT/DS312/RW, adopted 22 October 2007, DSR 2007:VIII.

Panel Report, United States – Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000, WT/DS217/R, WT/DS234/R, adopted 27 January 2003, as modified by Appellate Body Report WT/DS217/AB/R, WT/DS234/AB/R, DSR 2003:II.

Panel Report, United States – Measures Affecting the Production and Sale of Clove Cigarettes, WT/DS406/R, adopted 24 April 2012, as modified by Appellate Body Report WT/DS406/AB/R, DSR 2012: XI.

WTO, Article II; Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, 1994, 1869 U.N.T.S. 401,

WTO, Communication from Pakistan to the General Council, WT/GC/W/162, 1 April 1999.

WTO, Proposed Amendment of the Dispute Settlement Understanding: submitted by the government of Japan on behalf of co-sponsors Canada, Costa Rica, the Czech Republic, Ecuador, the European Communities (and its member states), Hungary, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Slovenia, Switzerland, Thailand, and Venezuela, WT/MIN(99)8, 22 November 1999.

WTO, Recourse by Antigua and Barbuda to Article 22.2 of the DSU, United States – Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services (US – Gambling), WT/DS285/22, 22 June 2007.


Bernard Hoekman, et.al. (eds.), Development, Trade and the WTO: A Handbook, The World Bank, Washington, 2002.

Chad P. Bown, et.al. (eds.), The Law, Economics and Politics of Retaliation in WTO Dispute Settlement, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010.

G. Sampson, (ed.), The Role of the World Trade Organization in Global Governance, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, 2001.

Peter Malanczuk, Akehurst’s Modern Introduction to International Law, Seventh Revised Edition, Routledge, New York, 1997.

Peter Van den Bossche, The Law and Policy of the World Trade Organization: Text, Cases and Materials, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.

World Trade Organization, A Handbook on the WTO Dispute Settlement System, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2004.

Jurnal dan Artikel:

Freddy Josep Pelawi, Penyelesaian Sengketa WTO dan Indonesia, Direktorat Jenderal Kerjasama Perdagangan Internasional, Buletin KPI Edisi 44, 2007.

Gregory Shaffer, Assessing the Advisory Centre on WTO Law from a Broader Governance Perspective, Minnesota Legal Studies Research Paper No. 11-46, 29 November 2011.

Joost Pauwelyn, A Typology of Multilateral Treaty Obligations: Are WTO Obligations Bilateral or Collective in Nature?, 14 European Journal of International Law, 2003.

__________________, Enforcement and Countermeasures in the WTO: Rules Are Rules—Toward a More Collective Approach, 94 American Journal of International Law, 2000.

William J. Davey, Implementation in WTO Dispute Settlement: An Introduction to the Problems and Possible Solutions, The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry–Discussion Paper Series, 1, 2005.

World Trade Organization, WTO Dispute Settlement: One Page Case-Summaries 1995-2014 (2015).


Tempo, Indonesia Menangkan Sengketa Melawan Korea di WTO, http://bisnis.tempo.co/read/news/2005/10/31/05668752/Indonesia-Menangkan-Sengketa-Melawan-Korea-di-WTO

Tempo, Menang Sengketa WTO, Indonesia Dapat Penghargaan, http://bisnis.tempo.co/read/news/2013/09/25/092516518/menang-sengketa-wto-indonesia-dapat-penghargaan

Tempo, Penghentian Kasus Dumping Kertas Belum Direspons Pengusaha Korea, http://bisnis.tempo.co/read/news/2010/10/25/090286990/penghentian-kasus-dumping-kertas-belum-direspons-pengusaha-korea

WHO, Partial Guidelines for Implementation of Articles 9 and 10 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: Regulation of the Contents of Tobacco Products and of Tobacco Product Disclosures, http://www.who.int/fctc/guidelines/adopted/article_9and10/en/


