
  • Qur'ani Dewi Kusumawardani Ministry of Communication and Information Technology



Information technology in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 will become more sophisticated and increasingly influence the relationship between law and society. Law, in interaction with artificial intelligence and algorithms, will be expected in the future to provide quick and just answers to human problems.  It is also predicted that in settling disputes, artificial intelligence and algorithm will replace the role and function of lawyers and judges. This prediction of how artificial intelligence and algorithm will replace law’s societal function will be analyzed using the progressive law theory which perceived law to be subordinate to human interest.



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Jurnal dan artikel:

Cromwell Schubarth, Y Combinator Startup Uses Big Data to Invest in Civil Lawsuits, Silicon Valley Business Journal, 2016.

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Lincoln Tsang, Daniel A. Kracov, Jacqueline Mulryne, Louise Strom, Nancy Perkins, Richard Dickinson, Victoria M. Wallace, and Bethan Jones, The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Medical Innovation in the European Union and United States, Issue of the Intellectual Property & Technology Law Journal, 2017.

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Disertasi dan Tesis:

Stamatis Karnouskos, The Interplay of Law, Robots and Society, an Artificial Intelligence Era, Master’s Thesis in Law, Master’s Programme in Law, Gender and Society, Umeå University Forum for Studies on Law and Society, Swedia, 2017.

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University of Otago, Artificial Intelligence and Law in New Zealand,

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