
  • Stefan Koos Universität der Bundeswehr München


Kata Kunci:

Augmented reality, virtual reality, token, blockchain, property rights, personality rights


Virtual reality and augmented reality have the potential to change the economy and society as much as the internet once did. In AR, virtual objects mix with real environments and objects. In virtual reality environments, people will move around using avatars and using virtual objects and individualise their virtual spaces with virtual artworks. However, the integration of humans into virtual and semi-virtual environments also leads to an intensification of problems connected with the relationship of the individual to technology and powerful platforms. The person integrated into virtual worlds will be under far closer observation and influence by platform operators than today's internet user. This must have consequences for the legal protection of personality. In addition, questions arise about the extension of personality rights to the virtual existence of the individual and to the question of the legal protection of objects used by the individual in his or her virtual environment. The article discusses some aspects from the perspective of the German law.



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Koos, Stefan; Die Domain als Vermögensgegenstand zwischen Sache und Immaterialgut, 7(6) Multimedia und Recht, 2004, p. 359-365.

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Conference Papers:

Koos, Stefan; The Displacement of the Law by Technicity, Paper for the 1st Ahmad Dahlan International Conference on Law and Social Justice (ADICoLS), Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogjakarta 4.-5. August 2021 (proceedings in publishing process).


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Zenke, Michael; ‘AGDC08: On avatar rights and virtual property’. (last visited 30.1.2022).

Moringiello, Juliet; More on What Virtual Property Can Do For Property: The Problem of Analogy, PropertyProfBlog (blog), 27 February 2008, (last visited 22.1.2022).

German Federal Supreme Court, July 27, 2017, 1 StR 412/16, paragraph 67. Available at: (last visited 22.1.2022).

Rechtsbank Leeuwarden (Netherlands), October 21, 2008 (BG0939; 17/676123-07 VEV) (Runescape).


