Scheduling Preventive Maintenance on Auto Rooting Machine at Toys Manufacturer Company


  • Anastasia Lidya Maukar Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, President University
  • Ineu Widaningsih Sosodoro Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, President University
  • Rhiza Adiprabowo Faculty of Engineering, Industrial Engineering Department, President University



Maintenance cost becomes one of the problems that manufacturing company is facing nowadays due to
lack of maintenance system. The main objective of this research is to reduce the maintenance cost on auto
rooting machine in toy manufacturer by developing a scheduled preventive maintenance. Data of machine
breakdowns and costs related to maintenance, components, and the interval time of failure for each machine
were collected. To develop a preventive maintenance system, the interval of component replacement must be
determined. The minimum cost model is attained by finding the right interval time. The result of this research
shows that by implementing proposed maintenance schedule the machine reliability has 45% increase and
maintenance cost decreases by 48%.


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