Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Focus

FOCUS Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021) reflects on human existence and experience. Gabriel Marcel's philosophical concept seeks to understand human existence. Spinoza highly valued reason. He outlined the importance of religious freedom as a human choice. Humans who are aware of their social responsibilities always have a heart towards others and the world. This kind of human respects the mind and freedom of other humans. Practically, humans must try to face threats to their lives. For example, radicalism and discriminatory treatment. Therefore, humans should rethink their relationship with God and nature. He had to rethink his policies towards other humans. According to Mariam Sofrina, humans will be able to be introduced and reconnected to their noble virtues. This edition of FOCUS Theological Studies is like a pilgrimage of human intellectual and spirituality to find the Transcendent, in the name of faith and humanity.