
  • Ghea Helena Firmansyah Putri Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
  • Mira Dewi Pangestu Program Studi Arsitektur Universitas Katolik Parahyangan



Abstract - At the moment, daylight is a significant element in designing a building. Daylight design needs to
consider visual comfort and psycho-visual comfort in a building. Visual comfort calculate the quality and
quantity of daylight in an area. Meanwhile, psycho-visual comfort relates to the experience or atmosphere of
daylight in a room that af ects the visual perception, emotion, and behaviour of space users.
Tanatap Ring Garden Cof ee Shop Ampera Jakarta is a cafe designed by RAD+ar, which have functions for
dining, hanging out, and meeting. Public Park is the main concept of the Tanatap Ring Garden with sustainable
architecture and a tropical building approach that responds to the climate on site. The application of this
concept uses daylight as the main lighting from morning to evening. In addition to saving energy, the use of
daylight is also designed to create an intimate atmosphere at the entrance and bar area, then an open
atmosphere whose intimacy is reduced by the presence of an outdoor as a focal point of this building. With
various activities and designs of daylight openings, this aspect af ects the visual and psycho-visual comfort of
visitors at Tanatap. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the ef ect of light opening design on
the quantity and quality of daylight. This study is also to determine the extent to which the design of daylight
openings af ects the visual comfort and psycho-visual comfort of visitors at the Tanatap Ring Garden Ampera
Cafe Jakarta.
This research uses descriptive - evaluative methods with quantitative approaches. A quantitative approach is
used to obtain data on the quantity and quality of daylight to determine visual comfort at Tanatap with digital
simulation techniques using LightStanza. A quantitative approach was used to obtain data on the
perception-emotion-behaviour of respondents with a questionnaire regarding the psycho-visual comfort of
visitors to Tanatap Ampera. Then, data on the existing condition of visual and psycho-visual comfort were
compared to confirm the achievement of the concept of daylight designed by Tanatap architects.
This study resulted in several conclusions. First, the visual comfort in the existing condition in terms of the
quantity and quality of daylight at the Tanatap cafe already meets existing standards and is in accordance with
the concept of the Tanatap architect. Second, psycho-visual comfort has an important role in realizing the visual
perception of visitors so as to create a comfortable, open, and intimate atmosphere, as well as an impression of
being in a garden in accordance with the concept of daylight from the architect Tanatap. Third, the design of
daylight openings has provided visual and psycho-visual comfort with categories appropriate to be very suitable
for visitors in the research area.
Keywords: café, daylighting, natural lighting, visual comfort, psycho-visual comfort, Tanatap Cof ee Shop

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