About the Journal

Sustainable construction is one issue in construction research that deals with using efficient resources over the whole life cycle without depleting the future construction resources when delivering the current built environment. Addressing this issue needs multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches in construction and construction-related fields.

The Journal of Sustainable Construction (JoSC) is a double-blind peer-reviewed and open access journal that provides a venue for publishing original research articles focusing on promoting and advancing the research and applications of sustainable construction from both empirical and theoretical perspectives. The JoSC is biannual and published in April and October. Articles may be written in Indonesian or English.

The scope of the journal is as below but NOT LIMITED to:

  1. Construction management
  2. Project delivery system
  3. Green construction material, method, and technology
  4. Construction information technology
  5. Asset management and infrastructure
  6. Construction policy, law, and contract
  7. Construction risk management
  8. Human resources management
  9. Disaster risk management
  10. Construction automation