Plagiarism Policy

The Journal of Sustainable Construction (JoSC) maintains a firm stance against plagiarism, especially in research and education. To ensure the integrity of articles published by JoSC, the Editorial Board has implemented a comprehensive plagiarism policy during the editorial process. This policy involves thoroughly utilizing the iThenticate application to scrutinize manuscripts for evidence of plagiarism. The JosC strongly recommends that the authors perform independent plagiarism checks before submitting their manuscripts to JoSC.

The following actions may be taken:

  1. If plagiarism is determined to be the result of citation errors, the author will be given an opportunity to address the matter and resubmit the manuscript.
  2. If plagiarism is deemed to result from an intentional act, such as wholesale copying of an article without proper attribution, the manuscript will be rejected.

As a precautionary measure, the JoSC requires that the author submit an original manuscript that has not been previously published or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. In the case of multiple authors, all authors are collectively responsible for the content they submit. If an article is classified as plagiarized, all authors will be subject to the same consequences.

Should it come to our attention that an author has submitted the same manuscript to another journal while simultaneously submitting it to JoSC, the manuscript will be rejected.

If plagiarism is discovered outside of the aforementioned rules, the JoSC Editorial Board reserves the right to impose sanctions per the editorial team's policy.